As I sit here in the car traveling back from an incredible day in Sacramento, I can’t help but look at the mountains in front of me. I’m in awe at how beautiful the state of California is, how sweet the people are here, and how perfect the weather has been. 

Lately, I’ve really been thinking about the Bible verse “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20. How fitting as I sit here staring at these beautiful Northern California mountains. To be completely honest, I didn’t even realize northern California was so mountainous. 

I’ve been preparing for the World Race so many people have been tossing out questions. 

“How are you going to pay for your car while you’re gone?” 

“What about your student loans?” 

“What about your degree? You’re just leaving?” 

And believe me, these are all excellent questions and things I stress about. However, I’ve come to the place where I know I have to stop worrying and start trusting God. This entire journey has been about me trusting God. From the application process to the deposit to now fundraising. Heck, one of my biggest fears doing this was the total amount for journey. 19,000 dollars is a whole heck of a lot of money but without a doubt I know God will provide and move some mountains. 

I don’t know how and I don’t know why but I know that without a doubt that if I have faith God will move mountains. He’s already done it and I can’t wait to see Him do it again.