Family, friends, loved ones and the others who just stumbled across my page —
However you got here, thanks for being here. My name is Alivya Wimmer but Liv is fine. Better actually, as I learned Alivya is much too difficult to yell on a soccer field.
A little about me:
Originally I am from a small town in Northern California, I spent the last 4 years in Boston and now I’m in Huntsville, Alabama. (Roll Tide) I’m learning that in the south it goes: “Faith, Family and Football” and that’s not all that far fetched in my life. That is, if you use the european understanding for football.
I just graduated from Boston University with a BA in Political Science and a concentration in Deaf Studies. I played soccer there for 4 years and served as a captain for the final season. I absolutely love reading, over indulging in coffee, and all things outdoors. I have amazing friends, and an even better family. Two of the worlds best dogs and a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor.
I truly believe God put the World Race in my path and I am looking forward to the opportunity to share it with you. Thanks for reading this far! I will be writing blogs as often as I can, so feel free to read them, share them or let me know what you think.
All my love
— Alivya