Hey Everyone,

Thanks for checking out my Blog page. I am 23 years and I am from Charlotte,NC. I am still in college studying Human Services but God has other plans for me. Here is a little back story of how I came to God and received my Calling. Back in December of 2016 I received a calling from God to leave the country for 11 months and go to 11 different countries which is called the World race. I found God my summer heading into my sophomore year of college. I really didn’t have a true relationship with God until then. I pretty much partied and drank all of my freshman year of college. One night I decided to not listen to my roommate and I went out and drank more then I should have. I ended up in the hospital because I blacked out. When I woke up in the hospital I was wondering what happened. When I woke up that was a huge wake up call for me. That is when I knew God was real because He saved me from dying that night. One day I decided to message an old friend of mine from high school. He said “If you are gonna help me with coaching quarterbacks, you have to come to church with me.” and I said “Ok, I will”. I thought about it more and more after about 1.5 months after he invited me I decided to give it a chance and I fell in love with it. So, I left to go to college for my sophomore year and I was still partying but not as hard as I was my freshman year. I kept thinking about this whole Christian life and if I really wanted to live that life. After about 4 months of being in my sophomore year I have decided to come home on the weekends just to go to church every weekend. On May of 2015 I got baptized at my church which was the weekend after easter. Things really started to change in 2016. I made a huge mistake of dating a girl that was a liar and controlling. After I broke up with her I became depressed, stressed out, and suicidal. I was thinking everything was gonna be ok but it came back to haunt me and she started make up stuff that wasn’t true. Which made me turn to Alcohol as a hiding place but then Dec 31st of 2016 I was watching some college football playoffs and drinking. My parents weren’t home at this time but I kept hearing voices and I got scared but then I realized it was God speaking to me saying come back and take my hand because I have something for you but you never knocked on a door that I wanted you to knock on. So I thought about and asked God is it too late to knock on the door you told me that I haven’t knocked on yet and His answer was Yes! Well first he gave the verse of Matthews 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” At that moment I realized that it must be even greater than what I planned on doing. He gave me the Calling and opened up the door for me to do the World Race and I looked it up on the computer and I got very interested into it so I prayed about it for weeks and months and it never left my heart and the feelings for it got even stronger for it. So then I prayed for when do you want me to leave for the World Race and he gave me an answer within 3 weeks into January which ended up being Jan 2019. As of the last year and heading into 2018 I have been in God’s words everyday non-stop. I am clearly blessed. The 11 different countries I will be going to in Jan 2019 are Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, and South Africa.