At the beginning of this year, I was listening to a Christian author talk about her experience working overseas, and the only way I can describe what happened next was a kick to the gut that said “You’re going to do that one day.” I had no clue what it meant, but I was ready to find out.

I spent 2017 traveling to Europe three different times, twice for pleasure and the third for a volunteer trip, and each time that voice became louder and more clear. Through missed flights, lost luggage, and also meeting so many amazing people, God’s voice kept asking “Do you trust me?” and my answer was always “yes”.

A few months ago, my church’s pastor preached about finding your higher purpose and what I remember from his sermon was that to discern whether something is your calling or a hobby is to say “I can’t not do it”. 

After months of searching, waiting, and prayer, I had a dream about doing the World Race and when I woke up, I was 100% sure that it was something I couldn’t not do. I’m putting this journey in God’s hands, because it is clearly His calling for me, trusting Him fully, and I can’t wait to see how he uses my team and me for His kingdom.