Have you ever had a gut feeling that something drastic was soon to change in your life–you just could not quite pinpoint what that “thing” was exactly?

I’m going to carry on with the assumption that your answer is, “Yes, I have totally been there!” Because that is exactly the place I was in the moment Instagram changed the trajectory of my life.

In December I went on a family vacation to Mexico–finally a chance to wind down and not have to think about much of anything at all. At least that is what I thought walking into our beautiful Airbnb condo.

A few days into vacation we had some down time and I resorted to check in with the rest of “my world” on Instagram (a low move for a vacation where I should have been outside enjoying the literally perfect sunny weather, I know). In between the gloomy posts about inclement snowy weather back home, there it was–the “thing” I had been looking for, for the past two years of my life.

I scrolled upon an advertisement for the World Race and that is precisely what my heart began to do–it raced. I sat up. And instantly heard an internal whisper, “Stella, this is what’s next.”

Let’s rewind a bit for context. I moved to Cincinnati in 2012 to attend The University of Cincinnati where I earned my undergraduate degree. Although I had every intention to move away from Cincinnati after graduation, the Lord made it abundantly clear that He wanted me to stay and work at my church, Crossroads, specifically for two years (that’s a whole ‘nother amazing story for a different…post, I guess).

Anyway, although I love working at Crossroads and living in strong community in Cincinnati, I have been searching for what was to come after the two years. Back to school? Back to my hometown in Maryland? Random one-way “trip” to a remote island? I was not sure, but I was anxious to find out.

In the midst of this anxiety that, mind you, I was trying to get away from in Mexico, God pointed me to what my next step was, and made it abundantly clear. And in the most millennial way possible: Instagram?! But it felt just right and one month later, here we are.

I always feel so alive when I am abroad and I believe God has been setting me up for the amazing things He wants to do through me while on the Race. All I really want to do with my life is serve Him and if He keeps opening doors, I am sprinting through them! (With the understanding that I will often trip…and that I run kind of funny…)

I am ecstatic about this next chapter of my life and if you made it this far down my post, I would love to invite you to be a part of my journey!

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Website: stellaagee.com

Instagram: @stellaagee

YouTube: StellaaGee