First of all, if you are reading this, THANK YOU for visiting my blog. Here is the platform that you can keep in touch with me on for 11 months as I journey on The World Race. I guess the best way to kick this thing off is my telling you a little about me. 

My name is Shelby and I am a 21 year old student from Georgia. I love volleyball, hiking, reading, writing, live music, running, my Cat Hartley, and so much more. My journey with Christ has been a rollercoaster over the years. I did not grow up knowing the Lord, and there was even a period of time where I considered myself an atheist. That was until about a year and a half ago. Then the Lord starting boldly pursuing me (or at least I was finally able to put down my pride and shame long enough to finally notice his sweet, sweet pursuit). Six months after that I was saved by the grace of God through faith, and my life has never been the same. Over the past year I have grown into a person rooted in seeking an intimate relationship with our savior, which leads me here.

When I was first told about the race a year ago, what first sparked my curiosity to apply to The World Race was the opportunity to travel all across the globe serving others and broadening my perspective of the world, but what fanned the flames and kept them burning was the ability to be completely immersed in the Word of Christ for 11 months without the distractions that come with modern society; and not just the closeness to likeminded individuals, but more importantly the ability to completely surrender to following and sharing the Word of God in such an immersive and needing environment. I know that the purpose of my life is to be a burning presence of love and light and do the work of God for myself and others. There is no question I am called to go on this mission and serve God to the best of my abilities for 11 months in whatever capacity He wills.

This journey is about so much more than traveling for me. This is about stepping into the role I was created to be. And I need your help. If you feel called to help me through donating at the top of this page, I cannot express how much it means to me. If you are unable to donate, I ask that you pray for me and my journey, my squad- the people I will be traveling and ministering with,- and for Jesus to use us to do his work over the next year. 

Thank you for the support and may God bless you in every way.