A few weeks ago I saw Jesus in over one hundred different people of all backgrounds, colors, ages, shapes and sizes.
Here’s a little back story.. My beautiful cousins graciously let me stay in their home, while I attended a scholarship event a few hours from where I live. I drove up the day before the event and my eta just so happen to be around the time that Night Light Tulsa’s serving event began! My cousins have been faithfully serving with them weekly for over four years, and this particular time I got to join them!
Night Light is a weekly outreach event that builds relationships between Tulsa’s homeless population, lower income families, and the surrounding community. Their mission is to love individuals, give hope, and touch souls. I can assure you, it is so much more.
When I arrived to the bridge, I met up with my family and we went over to orientation for the volunteers. We prayed, broke up into our serving groups and went to our stations! I got to be at the blessings table with my cousin Kenna. It consisted of bagging up items like shampoo, conditioner, soaps, etc.. But don’t be fooled, it was way more that just passing out hygiene products. Every bag was given with a happy greeting, a small piece of my heart, and a warm smile!
As we began serving, I started to feel an odd pressure in my chest. I wanted to fix every need, fill every void, and fully love every individual. Then the Lord told me that the reason I felt heavy was because I was trying to pay for something that He bought on the cross. Jesus already paid for our burdens, we just have to give them to Him. I quickly understood that as long as I am trying to fix their needs, fill their voids and love them efficiently I will fail, because Jesus is the only one who can do that. But the best part of this, is He invited me to do those things with His help. God invites all of us to partner with Him to be a vessel of His love and an example of His character.
We weren’t there to preach at them, or condemn them. We were there to meet a need and Jesus did the rest. Serving with the Night Light team helped me realize that sometimes, my actions really will speak louder than my words. I can really say that in Luke 6:38 Jesus knew what he was talking about when he told us that when we give, it will be given back with the same measure we gave with.
I saw Jesus in the smiles that were given back to me, in the thank yous, in the warm hugs, and in the testimonies that were shared with me. I’ve tried to put my experience into words the best I can, but you just have to be there to fully understand what it was like. It was a glimpse of heaven, with happy tears!
If you live in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area and/or would like to know more about Night Light Tulsa and the City Light Foundation, you can visit www.nightlighttulsa.org