Over the past 23 years, God has taught me an abundant amount of lessons through my faith in HIm. Faith is the doorway that enables God to work in us and through us. He helps us grown, change lives, moves mountains, and allows miracles to happen when we share our faith. Here are some of the many lessons that God has taught me about the importance of faith.
1- Faith isn’t about having all the answers
The excitement is obedience is that we no longer needed to know everything. We just need to be in a relationship with the one who does know everything.
Faith is not knowing what the future holds but knowing who holds the future.
2- God is good but that doesn’t mean that life will always be good
The beautiful thing about God is that even though we can’t fully comprehend His love, His love fully comprehends us.
The Lord days, I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born.
God doesn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain. But He does promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
3- I need to live in the present, not in the mistakes or pain of my past or the hopes and dreams of my future.
All we get to work with is today.
Wondering what you will do tomorrow that you aren’t doing today wastes the moments you have right in front of you.
I can’t change what’s behind me but I can make a difference about what lies ahead.
4- We all have a story.
We often time hide hardships that God wants to recover, redeem, and use to encourage others who are walking through similar struggles.
Our pain can become someone else’s hope by being bold enough to share our stories, our battles, and our hurt.
5- God doesn’t want me to get too comfortable inside the four walls of my church.
He wants us to reach out to those who are broken, lost, hopeless, and in need.
We are His hands and feet to the world around us.
6- Faith is humility
We still have room for growth and we shouldn’t let pride consume us.
We can all learn from Paul’s humility.
You either choose humility or God forces the hand.
If you’re humble God will exalt you or if you’re exalted He will humble you.
7- Salvation isn’t about a way to avoid hell
Becoming one with Christ is about being a new creation not an insurance plan to save us from hell.
Jesus died to free ALL creation, not just you.
He died not just to save us from an eternity in hell, but to draw us into eternity spent in heaven with Him.
8- Faith in God is love
Through a relationship with Christ we are able to feel comfort and assurance in the midst of trials and tribulations.
We don’t know what will happen in life but we do know that we’re taken care of.
We feel really tired but we cling to God and trust Him to carry us when we can’t go on.
Exodus 34:6-7
9- Faith gives me a purpose
When we feel so empty, God says I created you with a longing in your heart that only I can fill.
Through suffering, hardships, betrayal, and temptations our characters are transformed, our faith is strengthened, and we become a true reflection of Christ to the world.
10- Faith Gives me a second family
Through spiritual community, we should feel connected and genuinely cared for.
11- Faith saved my life
We are never to healed that we don’t need Jesus every single moment of every single day.
Who I am in Christ matters more than what I think or what other people tell me about myself.
God will guide your footsteps if you are willing to move your feet. You could keep living or you could make a difference. Feel free to leave comments on lessons God has taught you. Remember to find joy in the journey!
~ Sarah