So why the World Race….

 I’ll start off by saying I never saw myself as one to be a missionary or go on missions trips… I guess I always thought that I would be here forever and just be faithful in whatever God has for me here to do. So the fact that I’m even willing to go is a little crazy (Ok, probably a lot haha), but also very exciting! So here’s what happened…


How I came to know about the World Race and get involved…

So in October of this year going into November I started noticing that all of a sudden a lot of people were leaving to travel, whether for a vacation or just something fun to do. Sure I’ve wanted to visit a few places here and there, but I never took it seriously – I just kind of thought “eh…maybe someday…if God wills. But if not, it’s ok….” But around this time I started thinking “You know what God…if I ever travel, I don’t want it to be just because I want to… I want it to be to glorify You somehow…” Not too long after, I was on Instagram and saw an Ad for World Race – So I decided to check it out. Everything I read… I just thought, “this is where I want and need to be”. So I started praying about it… next thing I know I’m hearing many messages (mostly on radio while I’m working) just confirming to me that I need to go on this trip O_O One pastor talked about giving up our lives for the sake of the gospel, another talked about material possesions and how some of us actually need to get rid of stuff – which had actually already been on my heart for a while, another talked about taking steps of faith – out of comfort zones…doing what scares you (this trip is intimidating… 1st time out of country, 1st time on a plane, etc), another talked about missionaries and actually mentioned 1-2 countries that just happened to be on this trip, another time I turned on the radio and the first words to come out of my speakers were “leave your country, leave your family, and go to another land…” What?! Hahaha! So I filled out an application, received a phone call, and here I am πŸ™‚


Why I want go and believe that I should…

The main reason is because I believe that God has been preparing me for this all along for the past 7+ years without me even realizing it. Every trial, every hardship, every challenge I believe God used to prepare me specifically for this ministry… Like having to depend on Him alone to provide for all kinds of needs (and He has faithfully come through in such mind blowing ways), learning to be content – with very little or an abundance and either comfortable or uncomfortable, giving me a heart to be there for people – both to weep and to rejoice and to encourage or to simply be present. Those are just a few examples. Another reason I believe I should go on this trip is because my circumstances allow me and free me up to go. There is nothing to tie me down or make me not want to go. Leaving my job and living place doesn’t worry me, losing stuff doesn’t bother me, I am single and don’t have anyone to look after or support, and as time passes by the Lord continues to bring confirmations and assurances as well as support from others and is working things out along the way for preparation πŸ™‚


What is the vision…

  1. Reaching out to the lost and broken with the love and compassion of Jesus… to weep with those who weep, to meet different needs, to relate and uplift and encourage.
  2. Share the good news of the gospel which sets people free, and like Barnabas “encourage them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord.” Make disciples πŸ™‚
  3. Contribute to works that the Lord has already started.

My individual role/vision/hope during this trip will be to not only take part in the above, but also…

  1. To likewise encourage, uplift/refuel, and strengthen my brothers and sisters along the way with the Word of God, love, and fervent prayers.
  2. Bring some of the ‘fire’ here to America by sharing and posting what God is doing in these different countries in hopes that it will inspire all hearts to trust in the goodness and power of the Lord, and trust His Word and experience all that He has for His children and spark a revival in the hearts of all believers in this country. 


What I expect to happen and gain during this missions trip…

Though I know there will be many blessings in the opportunities to share and minister to people, I also know that God will do a work in my own heart and life. I know that I will be challenged, stretched, broken, strengthened, healed, humbled, taught, and sanctified as I learn to further imitate God’s heart and mind. But these are all things that a Christian should want. I mean of course no one desires hurt and suffering, but we should desire the result and product of those things – which is to be more like Christ and bear much fruit for the Kingdom. So that is what I hope for – To be able to take part in blessing and changing lives, but also to be transformed by the power of God and have a better understanding and knowledge of His Word and what His will is for me for the future πŸ™‚


 How YOU can be a part of this πŸ˜€

So, without going into too much detail (because it would take me hours to share every single story of what God has done!) that’s pretty much everything πŸ™‚ Now that you have a quick glimpse at what God is doing and the beginning of my World Race story, may you maybe pray about and consider becoming a part of this great work that God has in play for His Kingdom by becoming a supporter if you are not one already – by donating through the link on my home page (whatever the Lord puts on your heart, He provides!) If you wish to learn more about my walk with the Lord and also be a part of my journey onto and during this missions trip through future blogs to come, please feel free to subscribe by clicking the link on the home page if you have not already πŸ™‚ If you have any questions or need any other kind of info, please contact me by clicking the link which is also on the home page. God bless you, and please keep me in prayer that I be sensitive to what God wants to speak and do as He continues to prepare me for this ministry!

P.S.  If you would like to donate by check, please contact me. I will let you know how you can do that πŸ™‚  (There is a certain way to do it)


P.P.S  If you would like more detailed info about World Race and Adventures in Missions (for example the kinds of things we would be doing/types of ministry) here are some links you can check out.