My name is Samuel. I came to the Lord February 23 2010 to be exact. From that day to now has been a journey indeed, and I know there is still much ahead. I grew up in a small town called Guadalupe (California, not Mexcico). Long story short I’d say I had a pretty good childhood, though the enemy worked pretty hard in those years. But I didn’t know it was him at the time. Junior high school to my early 20’s I became someone I never would have thought. I had a very dark and twisted life and perspective of reality filled with many different sins. I leaned on my own strength, intellect, understanding to survive life. I had everything I could have wanted, lost it all, was invited to a bible study for alcohol and drug addiction, and several years later – here I am ๐Ÿ™‚ Set free and delivered from so many things that I ran to and thought was helping me get through life, but were actually keeping me in chains and in bondage to them. Praise God I am free! ๐Ÿ˜€ I like reading the bible, sharing stories of God’s faithfulness and works in my life, reaching out to those who are cast aside, encouraging and praying for others. I also enjoy walks here and there, going to movies, music, dancing, driving, trying to create/put together/fix things, trying new foods and things, taking pictures and videos of different things, dried apricots/snacks, writing songs and poetry, and many other things. I enjoy little things in life, I am thankful and grateful for whatever God gives me, big or small, I do with them what I can and I like to bless and help others with what I have because I know what its like to have very little. I’m not really one to make plans, I find it easier and more of a blessing to let God open up opportunities to do different things. I don’t know exactly where my life is heading, but that’s the exciting part – because my life is pretty good right now and I know that whatever happens, God will use those things for good as well ๐Ÿ™‚ So whatever He wants to do in/with my life, may His will be done! I’d say some of the highlights of my spiritual walk that got me to where I am would include times of poverty, learning from unhealthy relationships, loneliness, anxiety and depression, Word and prayer, serving in different ministries, and going on the World Race – traveling to and serving in 11 countries in 11 months.