So I’m really not good at writing or this whole blog thing, so as I was spending time with God I asked HIM  what HE wanted me to write about, because ultimately this trip is all about God, leading up to the trip, during this trip, and after this trip, its to lift up his holy name.


Worship. That’s what i heard God tell me. Followed with this Bible Verse.

Psalms 134 “Oh, praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve at the night in the house of the Lord. Lift your hands towards the sanctuary, and praise the Lord. May the Lord, who made heaven and earth, bless you from Jerusalem.”


But really, worship is different for everyone. I asked a couple people this question:

“What does worship mean to you?”

Response 1: Intimate time with God. You don’t get closer to God by getting mad at the things that’s happened, but we grow closer to him by thanking him for the great things he’s done and what he’s about to do.

Response 2: Worship to me means giving God your full attention and to praise him. Worship is the time to build your relationship with God. You can worship God by singing, dancing, praying, ect.

Response 3: Worship- the time where I can express myself freely with no judgement. I can dance, shout, jump, and praise the God of the universe who hand picked me to be in a relationship with. It’s my most intimate time with my creator.

Response 4: To me, worship is such a gift. It’s the time that I have set aside to focus completely on God. My life can get so hectic that it’s honestly sometimes so hard to hear God or see His presence in it. Or even, I’ve clouded myself with so much filth in our everyday sinful nature that I feel alone in my sin. When I worship, all of that goes away. I’m standing in His presence and I’m asking Him to heal my heart or I’m filled with thankfulness. I usually can’t sit still when I worship. I sing as loud as I can and I dance in my little worship square. This is the gift I’ve found with God; to be able to express my joy. This is when I hear God speak into my life the clearest. My worship time is best when I’m worshiping with a crowd because I can feel Him, in others. If I fall, those around me who are supplied with His everlasting love, can pick me up.

Worship looks different for everyone, but it all comes down to being intimate with God and having that lone time with him. A time to draw closer to God.

There are lots of ways to worship God but the biggest one for me is through songs. For me, worshiping God means to fully keep my fixated on him, with no distractions. Closing my eyes, lifting my hands, singing with my mouth, praising him. When I worship God I always find myself with my eyes closed, envisioning me as a little girl, walking up to God on the throne, and taking each others hands, and walking off and going to dance with one another. That is where I find myself falling even more in love with Jesus, staring into each others eyes, making each other laugh. I GET SO STOKED WHEN I WORSHIP GOD!!!! Like really y’all, I’ll be having my eyes closed, and my hands raised, singing about how good he truly is and I will get so pumped and excited that I LITERALLY want to scream and shout about how GOOD he is and how MUCH he LOVES us!!!!!

“To worship you I live, to worship you I live, I live to worship you”

Those lyrics really resonate with me, because when I worship God, even in the midst of a good day or a bad day, I come alive. I can really feel his presence when I have my eyes fixated on him, and I envision me and God dancing and singing together as my eyes are closed. All my worries go away, all my stresses go away, I feel free. I fully surrender to him.


I want to learn to fully surrender to him. Just like when I worship him, I’m fully surrendering, well I want to live my life like that. I want to picture God standing with me and going throughout my day with me. God sitting in the passenger seat as I go places. Because when my eyes are fully fixated on him, that is when I most feel “free”.