The World Race is over. 

That means that many of you are probably wondering what’s next.

The answer to that is… (drum roll please)…


Lifestyle Christianity University


This is a discipleship school in Dallas (that I plan on attending for roughly five months at the moment) founded by Todd White as a place to equip and train Christians to live out their faith in the fullness and power of God and to find and develop their calling.

I know what you’re thinking now, “Ben, you just finished 11 months on the mission field, why do you need to go to a school?”

The answer is actually extremely similar to my very first blog post almost two years ago (has it really been that long?!) In short summary though, this is where I believe God is calling me next to develop the calling He’s placed on my life; and that is, to reach student athletes with the gospel, discipleship and mission opportunities. I want to go to LCU to really develop and dive into this vision and calling and learn how to pursue it in America. I also want to experience mission in the States in a whole new way.

I have quite a bit of experience now in mission around the world, but not at home. One of the reasons I chose LCU was because they’re so hands on, really focusing on getting out into the community to practice your vision and calling as you learn about it. Not only that, but this also will help me to cement the practices and disciplines I’ve developed over this past year in living out my faith.

There is one downside to this, however; that is, I won’t be home for very long. School starts in early January, and I will have to drive down and get settled in beforehand. That being said, I can’t wait to see all of you when I get home (which specifically is Dec. 14) and spend the time I do have learning what’s happened in each of your lives over the past year.


The last thing is that I will be looking for one-time or monthly supporters as I go to school. Thank you so much to all who’ve supported me over the past two years both financially and in prayer. Your support means more than you know, and I would love to talk with you about further support for the coming months. I also am planning on sending out a letter with more information in the near future, so if you aren’t subscribed to this blog, please comment or send me your info.


Again, I can’t wait to see everyone and look forward to seeing where God leads in the future.

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12 


God Bless!
