“If that is how God clothes the grass and flowers of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” 

// Matthew 6:30-33 //



Matthew chapter 6 paints us a picture of God’s love for us. He tells us He wants to be and will be our main source of provision. All He asks is for us to seek Him first. It’s clearly stated in this passage that a life of lusting after the world is not the life He has called us to lead. We are to have no want or need outside of Jesus. It’s not bad to have things, but when we get caught up in the world’s priorities and begin to focus on selfish desires over God’s kingdom then we start to root our hearts in this earth.


“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.”

 // 1 Timothy 6:6-12 //


This past summer, it came to my attention that I had been maintaining a mental “list” of things I was wanting and lusting after outside of Christ; both material items and emotional wants. God began to deal with me on the lustfulness of these things and it was made clear that if I kept on that path with my focus on worldly gain, I would be placing my “list” at a higher value than heavenly things.


Everything that is truly valuable and profitable for us is only going to come from Heaven. All that we desire and need will come from our Heavenly Father. We must be content and confident that He is our provision. Contentment is a state of mind; a state of peaceful happiness. Outside of contentment is covetousness, a poverty mindset, greed, the love of money, and feeling of lack; essentially, a feeling of “need” for what this world has to offer.


“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.”

 // Philippians 4:19 //


Near the end of that same summer is when I started to consider the World Race. During that time, I came across a rough patch financially. I began to pray out Matthew 6:30-33 and decided I was going to stand on this verse in faith. One night, I was on the phone with my dad sharing my situation and we decided we would stand on Matthew 6:30-33 and Philippians 4:19 together in agreement and believe for God’s provision. During the phone call with my dad, someone else called and wanted to bless me with an amount of money that would cover all of my expenses and then some! I hadn’t shared with that person my financial struggles at all. It was in that moment that God not only revealed how faithful He was, but how faithful He would be during my World Race journey.


He tells us He wants to meet ALL of our needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. He doesn’t want to split the role of Provider half ‘n’ half. It’s when we get that attitude of “I’ve provided this for myself. I can meet my own needs. Why seek God first if my needs are already met?” that we start to have a faulty mindset and do things on our own apart from God. The lack, the greed, and the poverty mindset kick in when we don’t pursue God first and allow Him to provide for us. In seeking Him first in all things, we remain in a place of obedience which, in turn, channels in His blessings.


“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

// Colossians 3:2 // 


 During this season of life, God has shown me what it looks like to give Him the top priority. He’s shown me how my life benefits when I choose contentment and when I put Him in the appropriate role of Provider and Lord in my life. He’s asking me now to put aside the distractions and pursue the lost for Christ. He’s calling me to strive for the eternal and fully invest my life into bringing gain to His Kingdom.


The World Race is just that; giving up a traditional lifestyle to live out of a backpack for 11 months in foreign lands to share the truth and power of Jesus to “the least of these.” I have struggled to set aside the disquieting distractions of life, but during the race, there will be plenty of opportunities for my contentment, obedience, and faith in God’s provision to be tested. It will bring to light my true character and my commitment to pursuing Christ first will be tested in all areas.


All of us as believers are called to chase Him above all else and fulfill the Great Commission with our minds on things above and our focus on Heaven. Whatever He calls us to do to fulfill that calling, He will provide for it and equip us to do it. God has called me to move forward in the World Race and I have full faith that He is going to be my sole Provider and Sustainer through it all!


Thank you all for your prayers and for joining me on this journey as I seek Him first and fasten my eyes on the eternal!


Love and regards,
