I did not believe in God.


I have had my doubts my whole life about how big our God is by constantly putting him in a box that is way to small for him. I doubted how good he is because of how life is so unfair and painful at times. I doubted that he would choose a sinner like me to go out to the nations and tell of his great love. I doubted that since I did not meet the requirements for this race that there was no way possible he was calling me to go. I doubted that I could ever raise $19,200. The key point is that I am constantly living in a place of doubt, and the Father is so gently proving just how real and mighty he is.


A word that was prayed over me this year was “mine.” That is what the Father calls me and sees me as. He sees me and he calls me his. And what does a perfect Father do? He takes cares of what he calls his. He is that good.


“And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?… “but your Father already knows your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.” -Luke 12:28,30-32


So from a person that had trouble believing in how good and powerful God is! Let me be the first to tell you he will blow your mind, and if you let him he will break down every wall of doubt in your heart. Here I am, half way across the world, on a race that I didn’t meet any requirements for to tell you that I am FULLY FUNDED, and that he chose a sinner like me to go the nations to tell of his great love.


I want to encourage you to not walk in those doubts, but surrender them. Yes it is scary and yes you might feel like he doesn’t hear your needs, but I promise you he does. He is loving Father who hears your voice and knows your needs. Trust in him. Also, if he is calling you to do something bold… do it… because he might just blow your mind with how good He is.


Thank you all for who have partnered with me on this race and have generously given/prayed for me. Know that you are just as a part of this as I am. If you need prayer, encouragement or would like to learn about what I am doing comment below or you can shoot me an email.


Prayer Request:

-Safety in the country we are in, there is for sure tension between Christian and Muslims

-My team for unity, restoration, and a lot of joy! It is our last month together

-I am going with my squad leader next week to meet his family that he has never met…pray for safety and that it be a time just full of love

-pray for mine and my teams families back at home