Hey Y’all! My name is Allison Bodle and I just graduated from Sam Houston State University. I am majored in Public Health and minored in Middle Eastern Studies (pretty exciting stuff). I have felt called to be a midwife in the Middle East for years now, but when it came time to apply I ended up applying for the World Race instead. I have been a part of TRUTH college ministries for the past 4 years and have had the privilege of getting to lead a “small” group of beautiful women of God!
I have been born and raised in Texas, mostly living in Seguin. My family and I are tighter than a fat guy in spandex! I have quite the unique family, but it just makes the love so much bigger! My sweet momma (Lori) is married to the coolest step-dad a person could ask for (Todd), and my dad (Jeff) is married to the sweet woman I get to call my step-mom (Bonita)! I am also the baby (The Favorite) of 4 kiddos, Mike, Shaleena, and Jeannie! I also have a large and beautiful extended family that have are a part of the tighter than spandex movement.
My life has always been filled with love and grace, but I have for sure traveled through some valleys on my way to mountain tops. Growing up in a home with divorced parents and broken relationships caused me to have trust issues, which also affected my relationship with the Lord. I came to know the Lord at a young age, but it was not until almost high school that my life started to reflect it. I was bitter, hurt, confused, selfish, and angry and I put that all on to family members, friends, and especially God. My actions did not reflect that I love the Lord. Then the Lord so rich in his love and mercy taught me about forgiveness and a pure kind of love that can only come from him. It is a love that is sweet, fierce, and reckless. That is when my heart’s hurts and worries seem to be healed and comforted. My life has had more series of hurts, but now I know exactly who to go to in these valleys of hurt, and it is the sweetest moment. Now, I hope to live on a mission to where I can go around the world and tell people about this sweet, wild, fierce, and reckless love that sought me out and delivered me from my hurts, comforts me in the valleys, and rejoices with me on the mountain tops.