I can’t believe we are 3 and a half weeks away from heading to Launch in Atlanta! Since there is still a bit of fundraising to go, I am starting an Adopt a Box Fundraiser which has a bit of a twist!
Donating to my mission is an investment in a year long journey, so I want you to be involved in my race every step of the way! With every donation, a piece of my race will be shared specifically with you in return. You can get an inside look of the mission field from home and see the impact your support has made!
The way it works is the number you choose is the amount you donate. For example, if you adopt Box 30, you will donate $30, and in return I will send you a postcard when I am in Thailand.
The best part about this fundraiser is that if every box is adopted, I will be FULLY FUNDED (the whole $18,600)!
To adopt a box: comment, DM, email, or text me!
To donate:
– Tax deduct. – right here on the blog or by check (contact me for details)
– Non-Tax deduct. – Venmo, Cash, Paypal
Fundraising Update: I have raised $7,575 which is 40% of my fundraising goal!
I need to reach $10,000 by July 20th (which would be the equivalent of having boxes 1-70 be adopted and donated).
If you want to adopt a higher number box, but feel you cant donate it all at once, feel free to break it into smaller monthly payments over the next 5 months!
This fundraiser will continue until I am fully funded! Thank you in advance for your support and feel free to check back on this blog for updates and progress!