First things first, I want to thank everyone who donated!!! I really can’t express how amazing each and everyone of you is for supporting me on this journey and I can’t wait to share this adventure with you. We are 75% funded and I am flabbergasted by everyone’s love and encouragement through this whole process!!!

Now to the exciting part, what’s been happening in my life!?!?

Well this summer has now come and gone and I am 2 days away from hopping on a plane and leaving my home for 9 months. (I’m currently taking a break from attempting to stuff all that I need into one backpack… 🙂

The anticipation is killing me, but I think the reality that I’m leaving my friends and family behind is hitting me even harder. I’m scared… that’s the truth. Although I really want to sugar coat it and keep a brave face, the truth is I’m anxious to leave all that I know.

Saying goodbyes to a community that has made me who I am, seems impossible and although it is only nine months, it feels much longer. I’m leaving behind the comfort of my king bed, for a sleeping pad and sleeping bag. I’m leaving behind the reassurance of constant connection through my phone, for 9 months of not really knowing when I’ll next have wifi. I’m leaving behind this life that is comfortable and easy, for a world that is hurting. But through this transition of a lifetime I have my one and only Father holding my hand. He has given me peace as my mind wanders to what seems like everything I could possibly think of that could go wrong. He has given me guidance and reassurance as the doubt and pressure starts to sink in. He is my comforter through it all and he is the reason I’m find joy and excitement.

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.    Deuteronomy 31:8

God is my friend, my Father, my comforter, and my home. No matter what country I’m in, not matter how scared I am, no matter what He is leading me one step at a time on this journey and there isn’t anything better than that! I’m thankful for the fear because it helps me cling to God, and I’m excited to see how this journey will allow me to grow into His disciple. My God is greater than fear and anxiety, He is greater than this worlds happiness and comfort, and I KNOW that he has given me the bravery to take on these nine month and be his hands and feet.


Thank you so much for reading!!! My next stop is Atlanta, Georgia for launch, and then I’m on my way to Costa Rica! I’m eager to keep you guys updated through this blog. We are only $3,195 away from being fully funded and supporting me in anyway would be a huge blessing!  


Please keep me in your prayers as this journey begins!