I am Zack Sharp and welcome to my first Blog post. I occasionally wonder how I came to be the person I am and how I got to where I am. I look back on my life and see how my life has been shaped by experiences and people and by God.

I think about how I am broken and need a savior. I think about how Jesus says “whoever would loose his life for my sake will find it” as I think about the journey I am embarking on over the next two years of my life it will mean immense sacrifice. Sacrifice no longer scares me. I am sacrificing comfort of this world and country for the joy of Jesus this is what I am doing for the next two years as I seek to learn and grow in all the ways of the Lord. 

The lessons I will learn over the next two years will be crazy and I cannot even begin to describe them. I hope to continue to share this growth with you as I seek the Lord over the next two years of my life as this is only the beginning of the journey.

I need support and would love to have you partner with me. You can donate to my fund by hitting the Donate button at the top of the page and I would love to send you a support letter. Please contact me with any questions regarding this journey. I will be going to Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Rest in the Lord,
