Hey friends! I am beyond pumped to start this journey of blogging and being able to be honest, real and raw with you as we prepare for The World Race! So between calls, texts and run ins at the grocery store I’ve gotten a lot of questions! I’ve decided to go ahead and let this first blog post answer a lot of questions about what I’ll be doing! 


“What on earth is The World Race?”

The world race is an eleven month mission trips to eleven different countries. We go out into the nations to spread the Gospel and bring the Good News to those who have not heard or the least of these.


“So what countries are you going to?”

The countries I will be going to are:

  • Panama
  • Costa Rica
  • Nicaragua
  • El Salvador
  • Malawi
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe
  • Cambodia
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia

“When will you leave?”

I will launch in August 2018!


“How can I help?”

You can help by supporting me prayerfully. Pray for me as I prepare mentally, physically and spiritually for this upcoming August. Pray the Lord will give me the peace and strength. 

You can also be in prayer about giving. The World Race is a fully fundraised mission trip. I am currently working two jobs and saving money. I am a very firm believer in knowing our God is bigger than any payment and he owns a cattle on a thousand hills. My dear friend Allison put it best. “God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and friend if he has to sell some cattle for you to go on this trip, He will.”


“What should I be praying for?” 

There a quite a few things to be praying over during this season of preparing and waiting before launching. Let me give you a list. (I’m sure you can tell I like lists by now.)

  • Myself, in being spiritually, mentally, and physically ready for the upcoming eleven months.
  • My squad! These are some amazing people in just the few conversations I’ve had with some of them. They are in the same boat as me. They need to fundraise and they are leaving their families and friends FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOSPEL! Isn’t that so rad?! So please keep them in your prayers as well.
  • Pray for finances. I’m currently a server at a restaurant and truly walk into work every day not knowing how much money I will be leaving with every night. I have faith and rely on our sweet Savior that he will fill every need and help meet every deadline.
  • Pray for the countries that we will be going into! I am so excited to not only Go but to meet God’s people! He His given us His word to not just keep to ourselves but to spread!

“How can I give?”

There are a couple different ways to give so let me give you the low down.

You can be an online donor its super simple! You just click the orange DONATE button and it will set you up from there. You can also write a check! If a check is your desire just text or call me and we can meet up and figure out a proper way to go from there. If you have ANY questions about this please don’y hesitate to ask!


He’s in the waiting,

Zach Davis