First of all, I wanted to say, hi! As you know, after graduating from Texas A&M, I began working at J.P Morgan as a Financial Analyst. Through my time in Houston, I found my comfy little spot in the city. I am finally able to get around without having to pull up Google Maps; I found my favorite coffee shop and park to walk around, which is conveniently close to the world’s best chocolate chip cookie. I found friends that evidently are meant to be in my life to challenge, support and make me laugh without stop. I found a church and a biblical community that lights up my world, causing me to grow stronger in Jesus.

   While all of this was happening, I also felt the Lord shape and work on my heart, calling me to something different. Through prayer and fighting the distractions of the world, I focused on actively listening to the whisper of the Lord. I felt Him calling me to serve in overseas missions, specifically with Adventures Missions in a program called the World Race.

   The World Race is an 11 month Christian mission trip to 11 countries around the world. Starting in January 2018, a group of 30 of us will be embarking on a journey to the 10/40 window, an area of unreached people groups who may never have heard the name of our Jesus Christ. The program not only allows us to love, comfort, encourage, pray and support others while sharing with them the joy and love of our Father, but it also allows us to experience being part of a generation that seeks His Kingdom first, places all of our trust in the hands that were wounded for us and take up our cross as we simply strive to love others. My goal through the 11 months is to reflect Jesus and I pray that I can see every situation, interaction, thought, reaction and desire through His eyes. 

   Logistically, we partner with churches and ministries to plant churches, work in orphanages, provide prayer and education, among other activities. Personally, I’m prepared to pray hard, show up ready to be used by the Lord and let Him do the magic.

   I have felt an unexplainable peace as I let go of the grip of things I had been holding onto for the past 4 years and I have traded it for an immeasurable faith in this period of complete uncertainty. Quitting my job didn’t come easy, leaving my family draws tears to my eyes and the unpredictableness of what happens after 11 months is scary, but the fear of not listening to the Lord overshadows and kicks out any of the previously mentioned thoughts. 

   With this decision comes some hard choices, challenges and to-dos. I am writing this letter for your support, with hope that you will partner with me in this journey. What does that look like? It can mean different things for you. Of course, a very large need is financial support, as World Racers are expected to raise the cost of their time overseas, which amounts to $18,700 (covering flights, food, lodging and transportation for the 11 months).

   However, as I think through this, I know that we all go through different seasons in our life that can make it hard to provide financial support. So even though the monetary goal is one that has a deadline, I would love to receive your support in other ways. I would love to hear your voice through an encouraging phone call. You could write me a letter as I get to take them with me to open during the race. Even something as simple as a prayer lifted up for me and my squad as we take on the race would be appreciated.

   Please know that any support, in which you believe you are being called, would be openly and humbly received. I already appreciate the impact you’ve had in my life, and I am excited to partner with you during this time. I would love to pray for you during this time with God as well; let me know how I can be praying for you around the world.

   Before I leave, I wanted to remind you that you are able to follow me on my blog (www. to receive updates on where I am, to read about the things that the Lord is doing through us and of course, donate. 

   I am blessed to be able to say yes to the Lord on this calling, and it is your prayers, love and support that are enabling me to do this. If you are interested in supporting me in any way, please reach out to me. Thank you for taking this journey with me!

Whether you go to the right or to the left,

your ears will hear a voice behind you saying

“This is the way, walk in it”

Isaiah 31:29


So I pray for our partnership and that it may glorify the Lord and bring His love everywhere we go- whether that is across the globe, our offices or the neighborhood park.