Years ago, the Lord gave me a vision for my life. I didn’t know when it was going to come to pass. I didn’t know how big it was going to be. All I knew, was that I was going to get to worship Him, with people. & that I was going to get to do it in a number of different countries.


I daydreamed about the different ways it would happen, as most young adults and humans do when the Lord lays something rather vague on their heart. But, all my scenarios seemed so far away. So, I went on with what I was doing.


Fast forward to the age of 20, moving out of my parent’s house for the first time. In the midst of paying rent, electricity, water, insurance, and all the rest of my responsibilities, I had forgotten this dream as well as a number of others that the Lord had given me. I had unintentionally settled into the complacent, American, christian life that so many others get bogged down by. 


Sometime in August, I received an email from The World Race saying that they were going to host a webcast revealing all the countries they were going to in August 2018. I had no intention of going. At all. Ever give a website your backup email because you know it’s not important enough to be in your primary email? That was me. (No offense guys, I just didn’t know it was gonna be a thing). I’m not even sure when I subscribed to their email list LOL but I’m glad I did!! 


As I heard the hosts share about what the Lord did through them, with them, for them; and heard the heart behind The World Race, the Lord started to speak to me. 


Of course, I countered it, saying “Lord, I’ve never had the passion to do missions, ever. What is this? Why would I do this?” 


& He brought the vision back to my memory. & I could finally see how it would happen. I always thought it might look like a huge night of worship that I got lead in or leading worship in a church plant overseas or something.


But instead, for this season, it’s going to look like sharing the gospel with people who may have never heard it before. It’s going to look like rejoicing and praising the Lord in tiny congregations, singing and speaking in languages I’ve never heard before. It’s going to look like serving widows & orphans & people who have way less than I do. It’s going to look like walking through situations (that may not be the safest or the most comfortable) with confidence in my identity in Christ. & the authority I walk in as a child of God. 


& I wouldn’t have it any other way. Worship is way more than a song. 


Thank you God for this dream, this vision, this awesome thing that you’re bringing about.

Thank you for this calling. To worship. No matter what it looks like.