Hello there!

I want to share something the Lord lead me to that I believe will be a great encouragement to you!

First, for this to make more sense please read John 4:46-54 because that is what I am basing this blog off of. Okay, go!


This story in particular has recently become one of my favorites. It’s SO profound.

Let me break it down.

So here we have a Government Official who has a son who’s very ill. 

He finds out that Jesus is in Galilee and so the Official leaves Capernaum and goes to find Jesus and asks him to heal his son. After a very short conversation

Jesus says : “Go back home. Your son will live.

That’s it. No explanation. No questions asked. 

I’d be like “Aye Jesus… can you ahhh, maybe elaborate a little?” haha!

But scripture says the Official took Jesus at his word and went on home.

I wonder what was really going through the officials mind as he was on that walk back home. Scripture doesn’t really say though. 

Since we are human, I wonder if the official had any doubt in his mind? He believed Jesus but at moments on that walk home by himself, did he wonder if it really was true that his son would be okay? Was the enemy trying to discourage him and put doubt in his mind? I believe that could have been a possibility because satan works that way today. Or maybe he was so excited because he didn’t doubt.

Whatever he felt or didn’t feel, he still had to walk home to find out if Jesus meant what he said. If it was true. 

HE     HAD     TO     CHOOSE      TO     WALK 

Then the goodness & grace of God shows up when some of the official’s servants met him on his walk back home and told him his son was healed!

He met him before the Official got home to see his miracle! How cool is that?!

And it get’s better because when the Official asks when his son got better, he found out that it was AT THE EXACT TIME JESUS SAID: Go home. Your son will live.

Right as he asked Jesus, his miracle happened but the Official didn’t truly see it till he got home. 

He had to walk in faith to see his miracle!

This is encourages me because it applies to my life & yours. 

We all have some type of miracle we need in our life. Whether it’s physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially. A miracle in our family, relationship, marriage, friendship, etc. 

Whatever it is. We live in a fallen world so we all have at least some type of need. 

For me right now, my miracle is this $18,100 I need to raise to do the World Race. 

But I trust and know that the moment I got accepted and was praying for God to guide me. The moment I put this in HIS hands, my miracle was answered.

I just need to walk in faith till I see it. Just like the Official had to. 

So whatever your miracle is, don’t give up on it. Walk in faith and take Jesus at His word.

Whatever you may feel, choose to walk.


Okay, that’s about it! Thanks for taking the time to read. 

I’d love to hear your feedback on this if you’d like or if you’d like to share a miracle you need so I can be in prayer with you, by commenting below. Or text me privately. 


Also… if you want to be a part of my miracle, click the Donate button! Only if you want to 🙂 


Much Love, T.