What if I told you I joined a group to go on an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries over 3 continents. That sounds awesome, right? And it’s for God’s glory so what could possibly go wrong, right? Well what if I told you in the month after getting accepted to go on the World Race my “world” fell apart. Or so I thought.

I had all these plans how I was going to budget and do this and do that to help me get to where I needed to be so I would be ready for this trip. And out of left field fired. Now granted I was working two jobs but just like that 75% of my income, gone. No notice, no warning signs, just a quick meeting with my manager and I was out the door. Now to some 22 year olds this may not be as big of a deal. But for a kid living on his own since 18 and having no help, this was major. This could end badly. Scared and not knowing what was coming next I prayed.

Praying in times of trouble is a new concept to me. I have always been a very self sufficient person basically raising myself and teaching myself most of life’s lessons via books and of course YouTube. But with this new found relationship comes a healthier way to handle all of life’s issues. I talk to the one who has walked through all of life’s struggles with me.

I wish I could tell you the skies opened up and Jesus himself came to give me the blueprints to how I would get through this and still manage to go on the World Race. He didn’t. But I did gained this immense amount of calmness. Almost as if this was the first step in the direction of a better life. I mean in all honesty that job stressed me to wits end.

I sit in a coffee shop writing this only 2 weeks after losing my job so I can’t tell you what will happen next. But I can tell you I am not worried. I may not have all the answers to this life, but I worship a God who does.