Hello my name is McKenna Flood, I am 17 years old and I will be ministering to 4 different countries for 9 months by going on The World Race Gap Year in 2018. Originally I planned to go to college right after high school, and major in English Education.  This summer I started to realize God had different plans for me. He decided to put the idea of a gap year on my heart, a year where I could pursue Him more in depth and help others learn about Him. I decided to say “yes, send me where you feel I need to be” and He did exactly that. I can’t wait to teach adults, teenagers, and children alike about the great love that God has for all of us and to tell them about his son who died on the cross for all of our sins. When I go to Costa Rica, I hope to meet many kids who I can share the light and love of God with to help brighten up their days. When I get to South Africa, I hope to teach mothers and children about what God can do in their lives and how to get to eternal life. When I arrive in Thailand I pray that God will share his light through me and my teammates to anyone struggling to believe in Him. When I get to Myanmar in my final stretch of my gap year I hope to talk to teenagers about how God saved me just like He can save them. I am thrilled for this opportunity to go on The World Race, but my journey doesn’t begin when I board the plane to go to the first country, my journey begins now as I announce to the world that I am trusting God always because his path for my life is better than anything I could ever imagine for myself.