Unpopular Opinion: I love Ohio. And I love it’s weather. How we never really know what’s coming next. Will it be sunny or rainy today? 60 degrees or zero? We never truly know. But I really love when Ohio gives us snow! Jesus has truly blessed us this Christmas with so much snow. This Christmas, and the amount of snow we have received has had me thinking about next year. Next Christmas I will be in Nepal!(Yes Nepal!!!!! A few weeks ago it was announced that Nepal has been added to my route for one month!) Nepal is a beautiful country directly over India. I am so excited to be going to another country during these nine months. Nepal falls over December, so in exactly one year I will be in Asia serving Jesus alongside people I haven’t even met yet. How different my Christmas will be!

     Some days it is tremendously hard to live in the moment–something I have never had a problem with. I wonder “What will I be doing next year at this time?” Or just thinking, I will not be in Ohio next year. I will not experience snow, or Christmas with my family. I will not have sleepovers with my best friends or dates with my boyfriend. Sometimes these thoughts are confusing and constant. Many times they are lonely thoughts since no one else around me is going through this World Race process, it is hard to understand.

       As I continue funding and preparing this year, I ask you to pray for me to live fully in every moment and to not make everything about next year. To everyone who has so graciously already given money, been constant and prayerful with me, or been so kind to just chat with me about all of this–thank you! God has blessed me beyond belief with the people in my life and the opportunities in front of me! Although this all can be incredibly scary it is also beyond exciting to see everything God will do next year, but also what He is doing now!

     I also would love to remind everyone that I am still selling wooden signs (you can find details on my facebook/Instagram page or direct message me). Beyond the wooden signs I will also be selling these New signs you can hang pictures on. (Check social media for pictures as this would not let me add the picture) You can choose any size you would like and I will place the amount of clothes pins that fit. I made one for my family to say “family” for Christmas but you can have it say anything! “Friends” “Best Friends” “love” “travels” anything you would like! This one is white only because of an initial mistake I made, but you can still choose a wood stain or I can make the back ground fully white as shown in the picture.
Please don’t be afraid to ask any questions concerning this fundraiser specifically or my trip! I would love to meet with anyone over coffee anytime!