Hi, y’all!

My name’s Kim, and this is me below….

Photo shoots are not my thing, and I felt awkward, which means I was about to burst into laughter at any moment after this shot was taken. Thankfully, my creative photographer friend took what felt overwhelming to me and produced some great pictures. I love that! I like that something that looks and/or feels overwhelming can become something absolutely beautiful, especially if God has His hand in it.

And that’s how I came to this point – launching into the world because God began to take hold of my life and produce something beautiful from it.

I am a born-and-raised Texas girl that loves Jesus, my family and friends, good food, and a good challenge. My family is HUGE and growing. We came to be this way through lots of brokenness and lots of redemption. Five of us in total as siblings makes for lots of marriage and lots of babies, and I would not have it any other way. It’s crazy, messy, and fun! Plus, there’s lots of love to go around.

Did I mention that I’m a nurse? Cause I am, and I’ve worked in a local hospital for the past four years. I love my job! I work with an impressive team and take care of amazing patients fighting cancer. Walking with someone through hard diagnoses and treatment, the joy of healing, and the sorrow of death has taught me how to relate more fully with people and to not shy away from what might be difficult. I am so thankful for this job and what God has allowed it to produce in me!

I also like traveling, making friends, and talking about Jesus. Well… I didn’t realize at first how this would contribute to what God would ask of me. Just so we all understand – sometimes, I’m a fast learner; and other times, it takes me awhile. Thankfully other people saw how I’m wired, and God began to use them to point it out to me! These people were like those friends that frantically wave to get your attention at a large event. Well… just like it might take a bit for us to notice that great waving friend, it took me awhile to process that God had called me to do missions. Me!

Now that I get it, I am looking forward to stepping on soil and seeing people in nations across the world that my Jesus loves greatly. God has good things in store. Stay tuned!

