Hello friends!

I would love to take some time to introduce myself to you and tell you why I want to go on the World Race. If you do not already know, my name is Bekah Minnette. I am a twenty-three year old from a small town in southern Indiana. I am the middle of five children, which is SO fun! I am extremely close to my family and am blessed to have some truly incredibly friends. For the past year, I have worked as a registered nurse. Being a nurse has been a lifelong dream of mine. I am sad to not practice for a year while I partake on the World Race, but I know that it will be worth it!

I first heard of the World Race when I was in high school. I have always had a heart for missions and a weird obsession with Africa. I used to Google mission trips to Africa (odd, I know) and dream about going. One day I came across the World Race. It felt too good to be true. Travel the world and love on people for a year? Where do I sign up? Turns out, it was too good to be true because I was not old enough to go. From that day on, the World Race has always been on my mind. I would routinely check routes or read blog posts from people who have gone/are on it.

Life happens. I graduated from high school and went to college. I pursued by dream of becoming a nurse. Throughout college I would tell myself that after I graduate I would finally go on the World Race and then come back home to work. Unfortunately, my family experienced a couple of big loses my senior year of college and I put the World Race on hold. After I graduated, I decided to stay home and work so that I could be there for my family. This first year out of college, we have experienced even more loss and circumstances we never could have predicted.

In light of the hardships my family has faced over the past two years, I keep being reminded that God is in control. That despite everything, His timing is perfect. I feel confident that the Lord has been preparing my heart for something incredible. He has been constantly reminding me to give everything to Him. That I am weak and that He is strong. That it is okay for me to be messy. It is okay for me to not be enough, because He is.

Recently, I have been feeling this tug on my heart to go and do. That my life could be so much more. I have felt restless and stagnate. As I prayed asking the Lord what He was calling me to do, I came back to the World Race. So, I said yes. It is mind-blowing to me that what was once a weird obsession (going on a mission trip to Africa) has now brought me here. I am actually going on this crazy, scary, exciting adventure called the World Race. And in THREE months!

If you are reading this, thank you. Thank you for being willing to walk beside me as I begin what will undoubtably be the adventure of a lifetime. Thank you for prayers. Thank you for support. Thank you for taking time to read this! Here’s to saying yes to big and scary things!

All my love,
