so I am in Costa Rica and it is amazing,



 let me tell you about it.



we left the hotel in Georgia at 2:00 am to get on our (I think) 7:00 am flight. first flight was easy, I slept the whole time, it was great. we had an hour layover in Ft. Lauderdale (of course I had Chick-Fil-A for the last time for 9 months) and then we were off for Costa Rica. I slept that whole flight too. after landing we had to go through customs which wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. everything went petty smoothly. after a fairly long day of traveling, we finally arrived at our new home for the next 3 months.








first of all Costa Rica is BEAUTIFUL (not shocked about that) but the neighborhood we are living in is so nice. probably the most gorgeous neighborhood I have seen. the houses all have so much character and they are BIG. the house we are living in is so so so pretty. 5 days in and it already feels like home. me and my team have such an awesome room. we have a balcony overlooking our backyard where you can see a gorgeous view of this mountain. I feel so incredibly blessed. I honestly thought we were gonna be roughing it but Jesus was like “ nah have some luxury for your first 3 months” and I was raised not to argue with the big guy upstairs. 


I’m still taking it all in. its kind of a lot getting thrown into a house of 53 people that you don’t know all that well and knowing you are gonna be with them for the next 9 months. luckily I have the coolest squad. each of us are so different but we all have such a passion for Jesus and loving His people and man through Him we are gonna shake Costa Rica. I am so pumped to see what God does with all of us. He is already moving so much and its only been 5 days. sadly me and my team haven’t started ministry, but that has given us a chance to explore our little city. I am so excited to start serving though. our ministry is working with kids, teaching them english, teaching music, doing some manual labor, or playing some sports with them. pretty much I get to love on kids Tuesday-Saturday from 8:30-4:00 and I CAN’T WAIT!!! 


(I am writing a separate blog to talk about my team because they are very worth it. I love them with my whole heart)


thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this rambling! 

I will probably be reposting sometime soon to share how ministry went so you should definitely subscribe so you can get emailed when that happens! 


much love


OK BYE!!!!!