Hi there, in case we haven’t met my name is Aislinn! 

I’m a 26 year old L.A. girl in an Oklahoma world 🙂 I moved here straight out of college in 2013 after graduating from UCLA (Go Bruins!) and I guess at this point I really consider Oklahoma home!  

So let me tell you a little bit about myself…I won’t go into too many details but feel free to ask me any questions if you’d like to get to know me better! The gist of my story is that I moved to Oklahoma (with my boyfriend at the time) and shortly after my parents back in Cali got divorced. I decided that the tension going on in my househould back in L.A. was not good for my younger brother, Alexx, so after some thought and prayer I decided to volunteer to become his legal guardian. He and my parents agreed and he moved to Oklahoma about 6 months after I did & overnight I suddenly became the “parent” to a teenage boy! Woah! 

My brother's HS Senior Pics

*This is one of his High School Senior pics, he is now a Freshman at OSU*

After 4 years of dating my boyfriend at the time, we got engaged and began planning a beautiful wedding! Unfortunately due to some very serious issues I ultimately had to call it off and end the relationship. It was a very difficult, painful, and confusing time to say the least but it was also a blessing in disguise. Anyhow, that was almost 2 years ago and I believe God has used this time to heal me, grow me, and strengthen me in ways I never thought possible. Had I gotten married then, I would not be here now, about to go on the adventure and mission of a lifetime! 

I currently work as the Director of Product Development at a home building company, which is not as cool as it sounds lol but I get to work in a great company with some amazing people so I can’t complain! My passion however, are people!  I just love meeting new people and creating community with those around me. I love serving in the Middle School & High School ministry at church (it’s seriously the highlight of my week). I also love leading a singles life group for young adults and enjoy working out at my CrossFit gym with my friends. I just love being around people: going on adventures, having good conversations, pushing each other to be better, praying for one another, sharing meals, eating ice cream!

Some Random Facts About Me:

  • I’m an ESTJ (Myers Briggs Personality)
  • I can speak and write Spanish fluently
  • I’m a foodie! I love coffee, ice cream is one of my favorite things (I eat it almost every day), and breakfast is my favorite meal of all!
  • I enjoy podcasts and documentaries mostly about weird things…

I think that’s enough background info for now…I’ll get into more detail in future posts about what ultimately led me to say YES to the World Race. Just know that I am so excited and scared and everything in between to see what the next year has in store for me! I am anticipating and expecting God to move in BIG ways through this step of faith. I am choosing to surrender and relinquish comfort and stability (and my plans for the future) and trading them for something better (His plans for my future). My greatest desire is to get lost in the unknown of serving and loving Him with everything I have. Every day. Every where. With everyone I encounter. 

Please pray for me, I’ve got a long road ahead!

34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35(NLT)