A new season in life. Oh, the bitter sweetness this can bring. It can be terrifying, exhilarating, exciting, scary, and sometimes all of the above. I personally love change. New seasons in life are such a thrill because I oftentimes feel all of those emotions I’ve just listed. It’s a chance to be vulnerable and experience the unexpected with no expectations. I am a 7 on the enneagram and if you know anything about this it would explain a lot about my love for new seasons. 

One big new season I am currently going through is team changes. Here on The World Race, they are all about taking you completely out of your comfort zone. One such example is taking us out of our community we have just gotten to really know on a deep & intimate level and scrambling us up amongst our 20 something other squad mates. Now if you are a 6 on the enneagram, this would have you twitching uncomfortably in your seat. (Shoutout to my new teammate Krista for introducing the enneagram to me, my apologies in advance for the amount of times it will be referenced in future blogs to come). If you’re curious enough, I highly encourage you to go download the EnneaApp on your phone and take the test to see what number your score. Seriously helped me validate my emotions and the way my brain works. So interesting! If you do take the test I’d love to hear what you score in the comments below (: 

I genuinely love everything about my first team. They showed me what healthy community should look like, calling me higher and loving me at my best & worst. We learned how to do this crazy adventure called The World Race together, and there’s just something so sweet about that. I’m sure any alumni World Racer could agree with me in saying that. So much growth occurred with these beautiful humans. Linds, Han, Jess, Heath, Raina Babe, I am so incredibly thankful and blessed to have done my first 4 months on the race with you. I learned so much from each and every one of you. 

I was praying that the Lord would stretch me in this new team change, and I opened up my envelope with the list of my new teammates and I immediately felt peace. This new team was going to stretch me, challenge me, and call me higher. Each and every one of them is incredibly talented in unique and different ways, and I cannot wait to do life with them on the race. The Lord has blessed me with a coed team, which I had been hoping for since day one. I was able to see what healthy community like with just women, and now I am able to experience it with men as well. Dirk, Jon, Krista, Chelsy, & Han, I am so excited to grow in community together and do this next season of the Race with you all. 

New seasons in life can bring so many emotions, but it is so exciting to see what the Lord has in store for us. Trusting in Him is the biggest and most important part, knowing that He will direct us on the right path. I am expectant to see what Team New Kids on the Block do to grow the Kingdom! First stop, Myanmar!