This September it will be 2 years since I left for the Dominican Republic and started my World Race journey.  I saw God do some incredible things in the lives of my squad and I, as well as the people we encountered over the 9 months.  I saw a slow afternoon in Haiti turn to one of joy and thanksgiving as we played, sang, and prayed with a group of orphans and their caretaker, a pastor we randomly met during a walk through the village of Titayen.  I saw a man in South Africa who had not walked for years get out of his wheelchair and take steps after being prayed over.  I saw women who were being trafficked in Filipino bars walk free. I experienced freedom and everlasting joy as I discovered the depths of the Father’s love for me, His beloved son.  I learned to listen to the voice of the Lord and rely on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and peace.  

To put it simply, my experience on the World Race changed my life. That is why I am so excited that the Lord has given me the opportunity to squad lead A squad (pictured below).  I will be leading and walking alongside a group of young men and women as we serve with churches and ministries in their local communities.  I spent 10 days training with my squad in July, and I am so pumped to serve alongside and pour into the incredible men and women God has blessed me with.  I am so excited to see the amazing things the Lord does in the hearts of those I am leading and to see the ways God is going to use them to bless and minister to the people they encounter.  We will be leaving in September and will be serving 3 months each in South Africa, Ecuador, and Cambodia. 

I will be posting periodic updates on my blog, and you can follow along by clicking the “Subscribe for Updates” button above. If you would like to help support me financially you can do so by clicking the “Donate” button above.  As always, your prayers are super appreciated!!!