Those were the exact words that came to my mind when I got my acceptance call to the World Race. I had no idea that a giant God-breathed dream that fell into my lap in the back of my best friend’s car outside of a mexican restaurant in Texas would change my life so quickly. I’m sure a lot of you were thinking the EXACT same thing whenever I announced that I was going. I’ve had people come up to me in the grocery store, the gym, at church, and so many other random places asking me all about this extraordinary experience that God saw me fit to be apart of. So here’s a blog just for you, if you have any questions I hope that this bad boy can bring you some answers!! 


What is the World Race?

The World Race is an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries to serve “the least of these” while living among real and raw community. The race provides a true opportunity to be unashamed deliverers of the Gospel and to be the definition of the hands and feet of Christ. It provides bold opportunities to be created into disciples who make disciples.

What church is the World Race through?

SURPRISE! Not through a church. The world race is based out of Adventures in Missions. Adventures is a non-profit missions organization based out of Georgia that sends countless of people out on mission trips year round. Through the 11 month program, the Gap year (yo my high school seniors, check it out!), and even short term missions Adventures prepares and ships out people all over the world to proclaim the Good News!

Where are you going and when?

Me and my squad will be leaving in January of 2018 [WHOOP]!! We’ll be jet setting off to the beautiful countries of Cote d’lvoire (Ivory Coast), Ghana, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua!

What made you want to go?

Honestly, God. I was at a place in my life where I believed God was calling me to do something better and bigger but I had no idea what that meant. I was visiting my best friend Alison in Texas when it was brought to my attention. I prayed about it and kept fighting His “Yes” and His “Go” because I was scared of doing something so bold for the Gospel. Then one night while praying He reminded me of the story of Peter stepping out of the boat into really sketchy and uncertain waters. Matthew 14:28-29 “Peter replied, “Lord, if it’s you, order me to come to you on the water.” And Jesus said, “Come.” Then Peter got out of the boat and was walking on the water toward Jesus.” I think in that moment I was calling out asking Jesus to really prove to me He was calling me out of the boat. So naturally He did. I loved Peters heart though. He called, Jesus answered, and Peter went. Who am I to not go when I’m called to do something for the Kingdom? Jesus asks us to follow him and become fishers of men, I love at the end of that scripture it says “At once they left their nets and followed him.” (Matthew 4:19-20) So this is me, stepping out of the boat (my comfort zone), dropping my nets (leaving everything I’ve known), and following Jesus’ call on my life. Whatever that may be. 

How much will it cost?

My trip is going to cost $17,700 which will cover flight, accommodations, food, training camp, ministry costs and insurance costs for the next 11 months. I trust in the Lord’s faithfulness. I will be fundraising through the rest of this year to acquire the funds in many different ways. If you would like to partner with me in anyway to see how the Lord works through this journey, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

How can I donate?

What an excellent question! I’m so glad you asked!

You’ve got two options to choose from: Online donation or Check

Online:If you are wanting to donate online all you have to do is click the delicious orange “Donate!” button in the header of my blog! After you’ve pressed this button you have a couple more options. You can either choose to be a monthly donor or a one time donor! If you feel you can commit to partnering with me monthly, you can do an automatic transaction through your account. If you choose to be a one time donor all you have to do is enter your information and they’ll send you a receipt via email!

Check: Please contact me if this is how you would prefer to give so that I can give you the proper information! 

All donations are tax- deductible!



While donations are highly appreciated and definitely needed. So is prayer, If you can’t financially partner with me, I ask that you prayerfully partner with me so that God’s will is done through this team! B I G things are going to happen and theres nothing like a strong group of prayer warriors to have our backs!

Thank you for reading my first blog, if you have any questions that I didn’t cover leave a comment below and I’d love to answer it!Be sure to subscribe to my blog so you can stay up to date with all of my World Race thingys!
