– k y r g y z s t a n –

We have been teaching English in several universities, & holding english clubs for the last few weeks we have been in Bishkek! Everyday, we had at least three classes where we would teach on different themes, such as family, friendship, nature, or travel. The students were high school aged, around 14-18 years old & they love to meet & spend time with us to practice their english. Because we were there to teach these classes, our host & their leadership team had the availability in their schedules to meet up with students. While we were in Bishkek, eleven students came to Christ! To be Kyrgyz is to be muslim, & anyone who denies that they are a muslim is a traitor to their family, their ancestors, & their country. To see so many students following Jesus is absolutely a miracle!  

The last week of this month, Matt & I had the privilege of helping host Parent Vision Trip. Basically, it is an opportunity for the parents of racers on the squad to join us for a week to experience life on the field. We had an incredible week pursuing the Lord with five of the racers & their parents, as well as working at a local orphanage & nursing home. There were so many sweet moments, between parents & racers, & also getting to engage with locals here & show Jesus in so many practical ways!

There was one particular moment that sticks out to me during our time at the nursing home. One of the mothers, racers & myself were able to spend some time with a woman living in the home. We sang her a few songs, & put lotion on her hands, which were dry & worn from years of milking cows. A student volunteering with us translated her words as tears filled the eyes of this woman! We couldn’t speak to her as much as we wanted to, since she had early stages of dementia. Basically she said to us, “thank you for taking the time to come here & spend time with me. I am seventy years old, & I am so grateful that you are here.” We were able to pray for her, love her, & she was so touched by the love of Christ.

I would love prayer for strength & endurance for the squad as we enter into the last two months of this journey & also that God would prepare the hearts of the people we will meet in Mongolia in just a few short days!


Thank you all for your love & support! I will be in touch again very soon!

