The Lord gives us such great gifts. He knows exactly how to make us smile. He’s so good to us.
In the past month there have been two instances that the Lord has given me the best gifts. That remind me, he’s here, and he will always continue to fill me up with his joy.
One was the week of thanksgiving. Let me just say, that week was a challenge. My first holiday away from home. The homesickness was real. All I could think about was my family being together, laughing, eating mashed potatoes, playing Uno Attack, without me. I felt helpless and lost. It was hard to get through days.
It was the night before thanksgiving, my team and I were eating dinner, it was spaghetti night. The sun was setting, and we had just gotten back from a worship service we put on for the community.
My team and I were trying our best to stay smiling and laughing even when we were down in spirits. And all of the sudden we notice that the sky was an array of colors.
We all ran outside, and starred. Took in the colors the Lord was painting the sky.
It’s funny, because that sunset was exactly what I needed. I know the Lord made it extra colorful for me that night.
I think I am honestly say that was my favorite sunset I’ve ever seen.
Oh man, do I love African sunsets.
And oh man, do I love the gifts the Lord gives me.
The second one was just a couple days ago.
It was my day to do ministry in the cafe. (I worked in the cafe my ministry hosts run.) It has been really hard for me to count this as ministry, when it feels so much like working at a part time job you would have in high school. I was down in spirits. I so badly wanted to have joined the rest of my team planting, or doing outreach, or preparing for more of our events. But instead I felt trapped inside a tiny cafe building. I continued to pray all day that the Lord would show me something, that I would be able to call that ministry and not work. Finally when shift was over, and the rest of my team was outside setting up for movie night an event we were putting on for the community. I so badly wanted to walk back my the house I’m staying at, I was exhausted. But the Lord kept telling me to stay. So I faithfully listened and stayed. The movie we were showing was God is Not Dead. (First and foremost if you haven’t seen it 10/10 do recommend!) We had a great turn out of people. But there was one group of youth boys who I know the Lord wanted me to see. Close to the end of the movie there is a scene of a worship concert. And the boys who were watching the movie sitting in the front row, were just fist bumping, and singing at the absolute top of their lungs. It made me smile so big. It made me remember what I am here for, for moments like this. To see the joy of the Lord within people, to give people in this community experiences that they might not get everyday. It reminded me not only to encourage, but be encouraged.
The Lord is good, and so are his gifts.
Alright, this wraps up my THREE blogs for the week. Again, BIG THINGS ARW HAPPENING HERE IN BOTSWANA. But even bigger, I need to be FULLY FUNDED IN THREE WEEKS! I hope everything I’m saying is touching all of you and I hope it put it on heart to continue to support me so i can continue to share stories.
With love, blessings, and praise–