Those of you who know me well know that I am not big on the whole children’s ministry situation….
With that being said, you should know I have also been in deep prayer that the Lord would open up ministry opportunities (with the exception of children’s ministry of course). My prayer has literally been “please open a door for ministry, what ever that looks like. If its okay, please not children’s ministry”… And here we are. 

Again, I was brought out of my comfort zone and the Lord placed me into the realm of children. This still isn’t my favorite ministry but I will say I learned a lot and felt blessed to be a part of such a great organization.

There is something beautiful about being able to provide children with knowledge they didn’t have the privilege of learning at home, things like the basic steps of good hygiene, the difficult concept of sharing, the uniqueness held within them etc. It’s like you are helping fill in a missing page from their book or even helping them create their own story all together. We are given this opportunity to throw a small pebble into the still waters of their lives and if we do it well, the ripples can be plentiful.

So while I was resistant at first, I am now grateful. The Lord answered my prayer… Maybe not exactly how I wanted it to be, but I wouldn’t change it for anything ..