I have this theory that most bad can be routed back to the act of Judgement. We tend to judge most things in our life, what to wear, where to eat, who to hang out with etc. Have you ever asked yourself where it all began? If you have, you have probably found yourself pondering the question, where does it end.

I believe that like most things in our lives, judgement began in scripture; Genesis 2:9 “The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” From the very beginning God gave us the option to choose knowledge or choose life. With a slight push from the serpent himself, knowledge was chosen; and so, the era of judgement began.

From the tree of Good and evil we began to understand the difference between the two. We use the question good vs bad to determine most everything. Good or Evil? Ugly or Pretty? Worthy or Worthless? Smart or Dumb? What is good, and what is bad? We tend to make these decisions based on opinions and continue on about our day but what would we do if judgement disappeared altogether? How would we be able to live, because if we really want to boil it down, we make the judgement call to live every morning without even questioning it. So where do we draw the line, where is it okay to judge and where is it not okay? How do we know when it is time to put down the gavel and pick up the cross.

I would say it ends with scripture as well. Take a look at the book of Matthew, in chapter 22 Jesus recites the two greatest commandments “Love the Lord God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” So there you have it, Judgement ends with love. Love conquers all. Our neighbor, nor our God should be caught in the cross hairs of our judgement.

I have this bad habit of judging everything. Who should my brother be dating? Does that girl really love God or is she just pretending? Does that homeless person need money or want a hand out? I think it is time I learn where to draw the line. My roommate and I have decided to hold each other accountable in the simplest way we could find.

Anytime I begin to judge myself or others I must put a dollar in a jar, a jar whom we have named Judge Judy. Before I leave for my trip in January we are going to take this money and give it to another missionary. We are going to take a note from the book of Jesus and choose love.

I am inspired by a God who makes beauty from ashes and I am excited to put that kind of meaning into such an over looked concept. We are hoping that others would join us in this journey and hopefully, with any luck, a change will be set in motion, our ideas of how to love will expand, and our understanding of faith will deepen.