I am an 18 year old senior at Trent High School. Trent is a small town that has a small 1-A school I have 9 people in my graduating class. I grew up in Diboll Tx up until the summer of 2015 and moved to Trent Tx. God has always been a big part of my life. From pretending to preach like my pastor waving a handkerchief in the air at the age of 2. To commiting my life to Jesus at church camp when I was 8 years old. I was baptized on a mission trip in Dallas Tx helping the homeless. I was 16 when we moved to West Texas (when my dad got a job with UP rail roads). I was informed about a summer job at Butman Methodist Church Camp and Retreat Center by my Aunt. My Junior year of high school I tore my ACL playing in a football game this knocked me down a couple of steps because sports was everything to me and it showed me how little I can do without the help of God leading me in the right direction. From that point on I started to listen to what God wanted me to do and following his calling. My friend ,Abby Lynch, was going on the World Race and is in Malawi Africa right now. At her going away party I said jokingly that I was going to go to Africa and get me a girlfriend. But I could feel something pulling on my heart. I couldn’t tell what it was exactly. But God kept pulling at my heart so I prayed for a couple of weeks about what God wanted me to do. God told me I needed to go on the World Race and began to touch peoples lives so I told my parents that I wanted to go on the World Race. I had already found which route I wanted to go on and my parents and I prayed over it for a while and decided to follow Gods calling for me. This hasn’t only brought me closer to God but My entire family has grown in their relations with God. Thank you for reading I am grateful for the support that everyone is giving to me and my family. Cant wait to see how far God takes me!!