I’m an amateur men’s physique competitor, which for those of you who don’t know is a different class of bodybuilding. A lot of people think you just workout a lot and boom, you’re good to go on stage and just walk around. But that’s not at all how it works, it takes a lot of sacrifice, it takes a lot of hard work and preparation, weeks upon weeks in order for you to get on that stage and actually win and do a decent job. This year’s show was different in a lot of ways that lead me to different ways of thinking on my journey for my professional card and most importantly this 11-month long mission trip which we all know takes a lot of sacrifice and trust in God as well. It lead me to think that we as humans sacrifice so much and work so hard for our hobbies, our jobs, our families, and everything else in this life but we often leave God last. Why is that? Why is it that we work so hard for literally everything in this life on earth and leave out the one thing that could make everything we love so much better? If we learn to start sacrificing everything we have for God He could and would make our hobbies and everything else in life that much more enjoyable. He would put us in the exact spot we need to be in in order to make the things we love on this earth, including our families, hobbies, work, and various activities, a thousand times better and easier. We need to stop putting God on the back burner, don’t even put him in second place, we need to put him in first and leave him in first place. Stop going against the grain and fighting against Him and just let him control our life so we can be on the right track to wherever He wants us, even though we may not like it at the time we will ALWAYS love the end result. Just like we trust our parents down on earth to love and support us we have to trust our Father in heaven to lead us on the right path and know He will never fail us. Sacrifice everything for God and He will do the unthinkable, the unimaginable, and the unbelievable!