Starting a new adventure or period of life comes with a few inevitable things. Time spent planning, the decision to choose path A, B, or Z, worry about the unknown future, stress of preparing, thinking through all the possible events and outcomes and how to be prepared for them all, among other stresses and worries that seem to constantly haunt us.

The rational side of my brain knows that I should be feeling all of this, but in my heart, I don’t.

The only thing I feel is peace.

I have peace knowing this is where God is calling me.

I have peace knowing God will provide.

I have peace knowing I have nothing to worry about because I am following God’s plan.

The more time that I invest into the preparation for this wonderful trip, the more excited I become. New things pop into my mind every day, and people ask me questions about this trip, and so far the answer to many questions has been “I don’t know” and that is okay.

It’s okay that I don’t know exactly where I will be, or what I will be doing. It’s okay that I don’t know where fundraising will come from. It’s okay that I don’t yet know anyone that I will be going with. It’s okay that I will be leaving my home, friends, family and pets. It’s okay that my niece might not remember me when I get home and I might miss my next niece/nephew being born. It’s okay that I will being carrying my possessions on my back for nine months.

And why is all this okay?

It’s okay because I have full faith in my God. I have full faith that this is where God is leading me. I know without a doubt that this is where God is calling me for the next year, so I am not worried, stressed, or nervous. I am excited, and I am at peace.


“Last night I took a journey to a land across the seas.

I didn’t go by ship or plane, I traveled on my knees.

I saw so many people there in bondage to their sin

And Jesus told me I should go, that there were souls to win.


But I said “Jesus, I can’t go to lands across the seas.”

He answered quickly, “Yes, you can by traveling on your knees.”

He said, “You pray, I’ll meet the need. You call, and I will hear.

It’s up to you to be concerned for lost souls far and near.”


And so I did; I knelt in prayer, gave up some hours of ease.

And with the Savior by my side, I traveled on my knees.

As I prayed on, I saw souls saved and twisted persons healed.

I saw God’s worker’s strength renewed while laboring in the field.


I said, “Yes, Lord, I’ll take the job. Your heart I want to please.

I’ll head your call and swiftly go by traveling on my knees.”

~Author Unknown~