*This blog was written by the other 5 girls on Team Emunah. Each paragraph is one of us telling you all how much we love Shelby and how we have seen her grow over the past 4 months!*


Shelby. Also known as Shelbs, Shelbert, and Shelberta. This girl has been keeping me laughing for 4 months straight. From falling asleep during movies (and I mean quickly too, we barely made it through the opening scene in The Lion King in Indonesia and this girl was already snoring) to having her country accent take over where I am literally thinking she speaking a foreign language and I might need a translator, she has made me laugh, A LOT. As Shelby would say, this girl is a hoot and a half. She is so incredibly wise. She speaks truth, and she knows when to speak and when to keep quiet. That is wisdom! I love it when she speaks though because she went to school for Biblical Studies, so she has knowledge of the Bible that I just don’t have yet. I love learning, so when she speaks, I get a free education. Thanks Shelbs. One of the things that the World Race encourages us to do is to be really vulnerable. Vulnerability is hard because you are so exposed. She does it though. Yes it is hard for her, just like many of us, but instead of choosing not to share the hard things, she does it! That is beautiful obedience! That is also so much growth because as the months have gone on she has shared more and more of her heart with us. The Lord has also taught Shelby to have a heart of worship, and she leads this squad so beautifully in that. I love it when we get to sing together and worship. Her heart is beautiful and FULL of the Lord. I love you Shelbs! I am praying that your hip will be healed in Jesus name and that you will walk with no pain or discomfort ever again. I am praying that it will be restored and made new. (uh oh, did I just give myself away?) I also pray that the Lord will wash you over with His love. I pray that this will take your relationship with Him farther and deeper IN JESUS NAME!


This girl, this woman. What a lady! Upon first meeting Shelby I knew she was a person who walked strong and headfast in her faith. She simply oozed a vivid love for Jesus and it was truly beautiful to see someone exude that level of trust in the Lord. As months went by on the field with this woman I came to know her a little more, but she is not the most ‘open book’ type or vulnerable one in the room. So getting to know her was in small layers that were pulled back as we painted walls together, ate meals as a family, engaged in all the team time/journey marker activities, and all the other things that make the race, The Race. It was a slow process, but oh my goodness was it a beneficial one! They say Rome wasn’t built in a day and even God needed six to create everything! I watched this woman deny any help in carrying her big pack, little pack, and guitar for months and then suddenly one day she just let one of us pick up the case and carry it for her without a fight, for once, because she knew she needed it. (We all were actually pretty shocked in that moment after months of fighting to carry the darn thing!) She began to let me serve her in little ways too and accepted the small gestures confidently. Watching her go from being one of the last to share in the circle, to sharing her testimony on the roof of a hostel in Cambodia with all of us was also one of my favorite strides to witness in Shelby’s first chunk of the race, and I cannot wait to see what else He and His creations have in store for her. If four months was what it took for me to come to know this God fearing, easy going, wholesomely sweet, and trusting girl, then so be it! I’m simply thankful for the time I’ve been granted with her, because I was able to learn what it means to be truly thankful, to be flexible, and to be happy with what this life has to offer.


Shelbs.  Man of Dan is this girl one mighty warrior of the Lord.  She is someone who is so comfortable making people feel safe around her.  It is breathtaking how much wisdom she has in who God is and remaining rooted in His words.  She speaks so much truth into people’s lives. I have never heard this girl complain a day in her life, which is so inspiring, and a great reminder to be thankful for where you are.  The way she puts others first and wants to listen to what others have to say is the selfless love that God provides to His children. I love when she does speak though and shares her thoughts because they are so valid and always gives me something to learn from her knowledge.   Her humor is also phenomenal, she makes people belly laugh without even trying. It is encouraging how she gives 110% in everything she does, wanting to be all in. Her heart is to please the Father no matter what that may look like. The growth I have gotten the pleasure of seeing in her is incredible.  She has stepped into vulnerability over the past four months and it has been lovely seeing more and more of her heart. Also seeing her lead the team and squad with her gift of worship is beautiful. There is much passion in her heart to praise God through music. I also really hope y’all know how thug this girl is.  Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Thank you for showing me many ways to worship our Father. Thank you for always being so calm and having so much self-control. Thank you for bringing laughter to us. Thank you for showing me how to fight in the name of God. He’s got huge plans for you my dear friend and I can not wait to see what else He has in store for you these next few months and in life.  #Neverchange


Oh, our precious Shelberta. There is no one like her. Shelby is one of the most solid, yet completely down to earth & hilarious women of God I’ve ever met. Every day there is something new that I see in her that makes me want to be a better woman. A stronger woman. She is full of integrity & is always the genuine article. Shelby is also one of the most thoughtful people I’ve ever known & hasn’t complained a day of the race, which I think is pretty outstanding. Her gentle spirit leads us so well into times of corporate worship where we spend time praising, thanking, & singing to our God, because Shelby never tires of giving God the honor He is due. She draws our attention to Him so well & helps us see Him for Who He is, & how His name should be made great. Shelby is somebody who takes God’s Word so seriously & brings others along in understanding, yet is so humble & receives all she can from others who have hearts to share. She is always such a reliable sounding board — a safe place if you need to work through things. She can be a woman of few words at times, but I think that’s because when she does speak, she waits for the timing to be right. Her words are riddled with wisdom & said in love. But her love is also shown in many other ways. Shelby is selfless & kind. But she’s also as funny as heck. She is sometimes outright funny, but it can also be a subtle humor that creeps up on ya but makes ya roll on the ground. There are so many things i want to say about Shelby, but I’m sure if you know her it’s already clear. Every country we’ve been to somebody asks me about her, & every time it’s so that person could say something extremely positive about who she is. & every time I well up with pride cuz they say such true things, & i love that they so quickly recognize her great value. If you knew her pre-race, the biggest thing I have to tell you about who she has become is that she is gaining great ground in courage to step into all the things God is calling her to, so expect big things to follow! God reigns in Shelby’s life & it’s impossible to know her without feeling the warmth of His love radiating through.


Shelby loves jamming to music at all times, riding down some country roads, and Elvis and Dolly Parton. Her favorite snack is root beer Shelby is smart and full of so much wisdom. No matter where she is or who she is with she finds joy and peace. She has a heart that serves those around her with all that she has. She is a fighter. She is a warrior. She speaks truth over herself and over others. She has such a unique and beautiful perspective on life that is uplifting to others and leads them to truth.  She worships with her whole heart and the Lord has given her such a beautiful, fun, and creative mind. You can always catch her listening to new music, podcasts, sermons, or sharing all of those things with a friend. She is not afraid to be who God created to be and she walks with such confidence in herself and in the Lord.


*Thanks for reading!*

Love you Shelbs!


AJ, Candace, Caley, Alyssa, and Amber