About a month or so ago, I was driving my usual route from Gardner-Webb to church when I passed a sign that immediately grabbed my attention.

“Drive-Thru Prayer Service”

Now, I have to be honest. I did laugh a little when I read those words on a local church’s sign. My crazy imagination only increased the amount of laughter that happened during that car ride. In my head, I could see a few things happening during this prayer service. A car pulls in the parking lot. Church people come rushing out and lay hands on the body of the car. Then, they anoint the car with holy motor oil and pray over the vehicle. 

Pause for a second: I mean no offense to those who do drive-thru prayer services and this probably isn’t how a drive-thru prayer service works. I am sure that great conversations and ministry happens because of this type of prayer service.

BUT, seeing this sign really made me think. Is this what we have come to?

Think about this.. when we are hungry, what do we do? We go to the nearest drive-thru. When we are thirsty, what do we do? We get something to drink. When we don’t want to go to the store to shop for something, what do we do? We order it online and it is delivered to our homes.

We eat at drive-thru’s because we don’t have time to cook. We order online because we don’t have time to go to a store… We are often the same way in our walk with Christ. What is the common factor here? Time and convenience.

We read our Bibles when we have time. We go to church when it is convenient. We serve others when we get something out of it. We pray when we feel like it. When we feel like we need a little more Jesus time in our lives, we look for the time slots that are most convenient and even then, we often have something else that comes up.

We eat from the drive-thru for the sake of time and convenience at the expense of our health. And it seems like we often treat our relationship with Christ the same. We have turned our prayer time into drive-thru prayer, at the expense of our relationship with Christ.

It seems like many Christians have settled for a sort of “drive-thru faith.” Instead of relying on Christ as our daily bread of life, we settle for a cheapened drive-thru version. Instead of living an abundant life in Christ, we try to just make it through another day.

When we have this “drive-thru faith,” we often miss out on the things that we can have in Christ: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We get to experience those fruits of the Spirit when we have Christ as our daily bread.

I found this quote not too long ago: “We’re not meant to merely integrate the Gospel into our lives. We are meant to give our entire lives to the Gospel.”

This is yet another reason why I am so excited to go on the World Race. I want to live a life that is given wholly to the Gospel. I want to have a daily bread kind of faith and not a “drive-thru faith.”

It is my hope that you will join me for this crazy ride that is about to take place. I have learned that God doesn’t look for those who are the most talented, most intelligent, or most able. He looks for those who will simply say ‘yes’ and be obedient to His call.


If you want to stay informed about my journey with the World Race, give this blog a follow!

If you feel like you want to partner with me to make this journey happen financially, feel free to contact me or to click “Donate!” at the top right of the page.

Most importantly, if you want to become a prayer partner, let me know!

I am so excited for what is to come!


Until next time,

Peace and Blessings!