How can you support me?

I’m asking that you prayerfully consider giving me a gift to help me do this — every little bit will help. Is God prompting you to give a gift of a specific amount?  You can give a one time gift, or a recurring monthly gift that will be drawn until I’ve reached my goal.

By giving you are not only providing an opportunity for me to go, but you are partnering with me to be a part of what God has called us to do.  

By giving early, you are giving me a gift of being able to focus more time on preparing spiritually to leave and blessing me with more time to spend with friends and family before saying goodbye for almost a year. 

If you don’t feel called to give financially, I understand.  I ask that you continue to pray for me and follow along with me on this journey.  I’ll be posting updates to this blog regularly as I prepare for and go on this journey.  You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram — @paintonthedesks.  

Ask me questions!  Seriously, in person, in the comments, call me up and ask me everything.  Talking about what I’m doing helps keep me focused and encouraged.  

Do you have more questions? Check out this FAQs sheet and then leave a comment and I’d be happy to answer!


Where does the money go? 

The $17,617 covers all of my travel and field expenses on the trip as well as administrative costs of Adventures in Missions to continue to develop programs and organize our trip.  That means all of my flights, taxis, and bus rides to get to ministry partners for 11 months.  My lodging and food — we usually have a $3-4 budget for food a day depending on the country.  Various supplies, insurance, visas, training camp and debriefs are all covered in that cost.  Anything donated directly to Adventures in Missions is tax deductible.

Get more info on how Adventures in Missions funds are used.

If you’d like to make a donation through Adventures in Missions you can click on the “donate” link above or send a check made out to Adventures in Missions with my name in the memo line to:

Adventures in Missions
P.O. Box 742570
Atlanta, GA 30374-2570

***Be sure to include my name in the memo line, only 1 check per envelope**


Additional costs I’m fundraising for include my gear, transportation to the launch site, my trip home once I return to the U.S., plus miscellaneous personal costs while I’m on the trip.  Those expenses could look like additional food on an off day, replacing personal supplies/clothes, blessing ministries or people I meet along the way.  I’m estimating about $3,000 to cover these expenses.  

If you’re curious about what gear I’ll need you can check out the list I’ve created on REI’s website.  My gear will most likely come from a combination of REI, Wal-Mart and Amazon. 


As I mentioned above I’m also aggressively saving and working towards personal goals to cover expenses at home while I’m away.  This will come from selling a lot of my stuff, renting out my home and selling artwork.  Please let me know if I have anything you’d be willing to purchase or if you know someone who would be a great tenant 



To go on the World Race, we must meet certain goals set by Adventures in Missions. Here they are.  

      • $5,000 – Due 5/15/2017 (Fundraising Goal 1)
      • $10,000 – Due 7/14/2017 (Fundraising Goal 2)
      • $13,000 – Due 9/22/2017 (Fundraising Goal 3)
      • $17,617 – Due 11/23/2017 (Fundraising Goal 4)

As you can see, before I leave I have to have more than half of the amount needed in my Adventures in Missions fundraising account. 

BUT, my Personal Goals are to have at least $8,900 in my account by the first deadline on May 15th.  And to be fully funded by the time I leave on August 3rd.