Hi everyone! My name is Rashelle and I am 25 years old. I am from Naples Florida, I have 4 sisters, and 6 nieces/5 nephews. Growing up I spent most of my free time babysitting those precious little (not really little anymore ) children! The rest of my time I was studying, dancing, working, or playing whichever sport interested me that year. God has blessed me with an incredibly loving and supportive family that continually encourages me to pursue and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus. When I told them I’m done letting fear control my life and had agreed to give everything I have to follow Jesus and become a missionary; they all basically said “About time!” Missions has been on my heart from a young age and God has patiently been pursuing me with unending love, grace, and discipline to help me realize that ultimately He is good, faithful, and in control.

Currently I am working full time at Youth Haven, which is a temporary shelter for children in foster care and part time at Dance Arts by Maria, teaching lovely little ones a love and appreciation for the art of dancing. I enjoy music, dancing, art&crafts, tennis, volleyball, going to the beach, and investing time and love in children’s lives. I have a passion for traveling and learning about new cultures and ways of life. I am looking forward to serving, learning from and meeting the needs of all the people my team and I will meet during our 11 months in 11 countries!

I am excited and willing to be a part of this adventure God has called me to and would love for you all to join me in sharing the Gospel and furthering God’s kingdom! Please subscribe to my blog to receive updates and stories of how God is moving during this journey.