Hey friends! Welcome to my blog!

This is the place that holds a lot of my stories and thoughts. I went on the World Race Gap Year in September 2017 and have since found so much value in sharing my heart in writing. This is a journey of faith and so much love. My story is one of a relentless love lavished on me by my God. For me, this is a space of processing and vulnerability. I love that I get to share my heart with you. I hope you find encouragement, wisdom and wonder in these blogs. I hope you encounter God through my words. He’s speaking to you whether it be through me or not. 

Some fun facts about me, I’m from Toronto, Canada. I’ve got a big, beautiful, loving family that consists of my 4 siblings and patient parents. I love dance, travel, the sun, movies, adventure and boujee lattes. I have big dreams and I’m learning to dream bigger every day. I deeply desire to be a safe space for everyone I come in contact with and see the gold in their hearts.

Welcome to my life, I’m glad you’re a part of it.  🙂