It’s not clickbait.

We’re going back to Greece.

And our flight leaves TOMORROW!

(here’s a throwback from when we lived in Greece in 2016)

One of our goals from the very beginning of the World Race was to connect with a specific ministry or people group. We know that God has given us a lifelong passion and affection for His global church, and it’s not a stretch of the imagination to think that He will one day make a way for us to live overseas more permanently, in order to live out those God-given desires. That’s why the World Race was such a special opportunity for us! We were able to spend 18 months abroad, traveling to 19 different countries, partnering with various types of ministries, and building relationships within the scope of God’s worldwide church. 

But through it all, our passion and love for the nation of Greece has never dwindled. Both of us still have a burden and a longing to take part in what the Lord is doing in Greece right now. And now we have a chance to do that!

For months now we have been prayerfully considering an opportunity to work with Hellenic Ministries, specifically by taking part in Operation Joshua. Operation Joshua is a movement that aims at getting a Bible in the MODERN Greek language into every home in Greece…and it’s easier said than done. There are many rural villages in northern Greece that have limited access to the Bible in their own language.

Check out this short video to see what it’s all about!


The Details

– Operation Joshua takes place from June 2 – June 11. After that, we will be returning home from the field as originally planned

– We will be sleeping in our tent each night, and then waking up in the morning to drive out to the many villages in the area to distribute Bibles

– Evangelism/Proselytizing is illegal in Greece, so many times conversations do not happen. This is why people having a readable copy of the Bible in their own language is so important–that way they can read the Scripture FOR THEMSELVES and weigh the truth of God’s Word

– We will not be visiting Crete (where we used to live) and will unfortunately not be able to see any of our Greek friends from the years we lived there. This is because our time is so short, and we only have time to participate in ministry

– We will be in an area of Greece we have never been to before (Preveza) in the northern, more rural region

– Check out the Operation Joshua website for even more details 

We love what Hellenic Ministries is doing in Greece, and our involvement in Operation Joshua may end up opening a door for us to do more ministry work in Greece long-term. We are still thinking and praying about what that might look like one day, but through it all we are leaning on the Lord and trusting Him to guide and direct our steps.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own understanding;
in all your ways know him,
and he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 

The message of the Gospel found within the pages of Scripture has radically transformed our lives, and we are eager to share it’s message of love and hope with so many Greek families who don’t have access to it. Please keep us in your prayers over these next 12 days we spend in Greece. But more importantly, please be in prayer for the thousands of Greeks that will be given a copy of the Bible (in the modern Greek) to read for themselves for the very first time. Pray that God will use it to show them more about who Jesus really is, and how much He loves them.


For those of you that have already given so much—THANK YOU! If you are unable to help contribute to our upcoming ministry in Greece we completely understand, and just ask that you pray for us. We are a little tired after these previous 6 months on the field, and we’re leaning on the Lord to provide the energy and strength required to finish the race strong! 

Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support. And thank you for reading the blog and staying updated on what the Lord is doing in our lives. We hope these blogs have given you a good picture of what life has been like on the field, and encouraged you wherever you’re at.

With Love, 

    Kaydan & Katherine


Disclaimer: Operation Joshua/Hellenic Ministries is NOT affiliated with the World Race or Adventures in Missions in any way. We are just using this blog page to get the word out about what’s next for us:)