God must laugh at me a lot
I think especially yesterday. For me yesterday felt like a stereotypical Monday besides the fact that it was actually Tuesday. I was late to everything and things were just not going how I wanted them to (that’s how life goes, right?). That’s when I think God started to laugh- my inability to say no to people is pretty comical. I don’t want to disappoint other let alone ruin their plans by saying a simple two letter word.  The only time I’m really good at saying no is when I’m at work and one of my patients asks something they most likely already know the answer to. I have a problem of wanting to please everyone. It’s something I’m working on. I know I can’t make everyone happy or please everyone because that’s not how God intended for me to live my life. I am not here to make other people happy, but I am here to glorify God. 
Our lives are like tv shows or movies and God is the director, producer, and the casting person. When things go wrong that’s when we want God to step in and fix everything like it used to be or how we think it should be in the blink of an eye. However, that’s not how it usually happens. God takes His time and reminds us to rely on him given that he did write the story and gave us a specific role. I think He laughs at us when we put our expectations in front of reality. I think he probably laughed at me ALL day yesterday when I was getting frustrated with the smallest things- being 4 minutes late, getting stuck behind the slowest car imaginable, or dealing with one specific patient who desires constant attention. Yes, these things are frustrating, but I’m the one that let them frustrate me. I had to say a prayer on my way to work yesterday, and I asked God to let me be peaceful and calm and to not let me snap at anyone. He answered that prayer, but I still got frustrated. It’s a two way street with God. We have to do our part too. We cannot expect him to answer our prayers and us not have to do anything to put these answers into action.
The result of how our days go is completely up to us and our reactions. Yesterday was not necessarily a bad day altogether it just had some frustrating moments. I think that’s how all bad days usually go, but we choose to focus on the bad, and expect others to provide us with sympathy (at least I do). I’m working on it. Nobody ever said life was easy.

This verse stuck out to me today and really out things into perspective for me.
2 Corinthians 4:17 says, “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” These tiny problems we deal with everyday are worth nothing compared to the eternal glory that God has for us awaiting in Heaven.