I used to just think about complimenting people. 


Not “complimenting” in a sense of trying to make someone feel better about themselves. Complimenting in the sense of, “You’re unique and beautiful and you matter. Something you said or did pushed me towards Jesus. You reflect Christ and I SEE THAT in you.” 


Instead of speaking out those things, I would just keep it to myself. But what is a compliment or positive thought or piece of truth WORTH if it’s simply THOUGHT, but never SPOKEN?


I feel like people often find themselves thinking about compliments to speak to others, but rarely say anything. Whether that be because of fear, pride, forgetfulness… whatever it is. It makes me really sad to think that people shy away from loving people by pointing out something positive in them. 


Why wouldn’t we jump at chances to speak life into people? Why can’t we just get over ourselves and point out positive things that we see in the people around us? 


I want to create a culture of truth in my life. I want to create a culture of being humble enough to point out great things that I see in others. I want to create a culture where people know that they are seen, loved, and important. 


It all starts with taking our positive thoughts/comments and speaking them aloud to people. So I’m going to tell you about one of my squad mates, Ky. Once I tell you about her, I hope you’re encouraged. I hope you’re inspired. I hope you feel as humbled as I do to walk the Earth at the same time as her. I hope it spurs you to start speaking life and truth into the lives of the people that you love.



Photo by me 


Photo by Kate Paulson





Kylie McKenzie… Known to most as Ky. WHAT A WOMAN. 


Ky is one of the girls on my squad. And, I’m honored to say, one of my best friends. She loves to tell stories. She loves to take portraits that capture the unique personality of the person who’s in front of the camera. She’s one of the most talented people that I know. She’s always telling other people’s stories and encouraging them. She is one of the few people that I know who is intentional with her words; she always has amazing things to say that build people up. 


Ky is a daredevil at heart. She lives on the edge, takes chances, and does crazy things. She lives life to the fullest and isn’t afraid to sit on railings 2 stories above the ground without holding onto anything. She makes me strive to take risks and be courageous and bold. 


Ky is trustworthy. You can tell her anything, say anything, do anything, and all she’ll do is look at you and listen. She’s there. She’s present. She cares deeply about people and what they’re going through. She doesn’t judge people, but loves them and pours into them. 


Ky is strong. Honestly, she’s one of the strongest people that I’ve ever met. In my life. Period. Her past, her testimony, her story SCREAMS with God’s faithfulness and strength that He’s gifted her with. She has endured more than any 18 year old should have to. Yet, she loves Jesus SO MUCH. She shows it SO CLEARLY in the way that she lives and speaks and endures hardships. 


Ky is free. She laughs a lot, jokes a lot, and creates a space of freedom for other people. 


Ky is authentic. She speaks truth into people’s lives. She’s one of the most unique, one-of-a-kind people that I know. I don’t know anyone who’s quite like her, and it’s AWESOME. She creates her own self. She inspires others to discover who they really are. She inspires people to be real and raw and genuine. 


FUN FACT: In the past two weeks, Ky has gotten 6 shots. 2 of those shots were in her butt. 1 of those shots — I can proudly say — I was present for. I felt very honored. 


You might be wondering why I’m telling you about a butt shot that she received in a bathroom in the middle of Haiti. Hang in there. 


Ky was really, really, really sick a few days ago. GOOD NEWS THOUGH, she’s all good now! Alive and thriving! I’m telling you all of this is BECAUSE I learned so much about her character within the couple of weeks that she was sick. 


I learned that she has an extremely high pain tolerance (which I HIGHLY admire, because I do not). I learned that she has a ton of endurance. I learned that she’s a whole lot stronger than I thought she was. I learned that she bears pain with a smile and thumbs-up. I learned that the Lord is strongest when we are weakest. 


Just to give you a little bit more insight into the mind of a Racer when they’re sick… it sucks. All you want is your bedroom, your mom, and the comforts of being in America. Ky had none of those things. I wouldn’t have blamed her if she had decided to go home. But she didn’t go home. She stayed. She endured. She pushed through. She did a really, really hard thing. All I can say is this: she has inspired me. When I grow up, I hope I’m something like Ky. 


Ky is resilient. 


Ky is someone that I admire and look up to. 


Ky is someone that has pushed me to dig deeper and go further. 


Ky is a daughter of the King. 


Ky is an insanely beautiful, kind, courageous, loving, talented human being. Her story matters. Her story is worth telling. Her life is SO IMPORTANT. I hope you look at her life and see as much of Jesus in her as I do. 


Seek to know people and their gifts this week. Compliment them. Get to know them. Be with them and be present. You might be surprised by how great they are and what they have to offer you.


But don’t just notice things about people. Don’t just think them. Don’t just see something in someone and keep your mouth shut. SPEAK IT. Speak life, speak truth, and speak encouragement into other people. 


Truth holds no value until it’s spoken; speak it. Write it on a notecard and give it to a person. Text it to them. Call them. Email them. WHATEVER. Speak it and create a culture of building up the people around you.


Seriously. Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for reading. It means the world. 

