For about a year or so, I’ve been discovering a whole new level of intimacy with the Lord, and it has come by asking Him questions in the secret place – questions that focus on relationship & being rather than tasks & doing. I recently had the privilege of teaching a breakout session on this topic at The Awakening, a two day event in Hyderabad, India where two World Race squads came together for a time of worship, edification, and mutual encouragement.
Days leading up to the event, the Lord was saying, “Alyssa, the intimacy that we have – I want you to share it with others! Don’t keep this to yourself anymore. I am anointing you to lead people into the depths of my heart.” Even after hearing this from the Lord however, I was still hesitant. Call it fear. Call it not feeling “prepared enough.” Whatever it was, I was questioning if I was really supposed to teach. On the same day I was supposed to give them my decision, one of my squamates handed me this letter:
“Wow!” I thought, “Okay Lord! I get it! I’ll teach others about what you’ve taught me about intimacy!”
The crux of what I shared at the breakout session had to do with asking Jesus relationship-oriented questions rather than task-oriented questions:
At the breakout session, I led people through a time of asking God several of these relationship-oriented questions and had them write down what they heard. Afterwards, many people said things like, “Wow, I’ve never asked God these sorts of questions before!” They were impacted by the intimate answers they received and amazed by how quickly they heard Him speak. They recognized, “Maybe these are the sorts of questions that Jesus has been wanting me to ask all along!”
In that moment, I realized that this is a huge part of what I am called to do with my life: Help people encounter the heart of God in new & intimate ways.
MY CHALLENGE TO YOU: Tomorrow morning, ask the Lord one of the questions on this list and just see what He speaks over you!
- What do you love about me today?
- What do you like about me?
- Jesus, how have you been pursuing me over the last 24 hours?
- When you look at me in this moment, what do you see?
- What do you love about how I am like you?
- If you could use one word to describe me, what would it be?
- What do you believe about my future?
- What about me makes you laugh?
- Papa, what was it like to tell heaven the story of what we lived together this week?
- What are you experiencing in your heart when you think about me today?
- If you could give me a gift right now, what would it be?
- What do you see in me that I don’t always see in myself?
- What are you celebrating about me and how I grew this week?
- What makes you smile about how I am navigating my faith?
- If you could say something to me with a physical touch, what would it be?
- Jesus, what is one place in my life where you see more in me than I do in myself?
- Why do I have such value in your eyes?
- What is something you’re proud of in me?
- What picture of me do you have in your wallet, and why do you like that one?
- What was going on in your heart when I was born?
- What is one of the strengths that you’ve given me?
- What are you especially fond of in me?
- What makes your heart sing when you think about the next season I’m stepping into?
- What happens in your heart when I worship you?
- If you could whisper something in my ear, what would it be?
- What brings joy to your heart when you think about me?
- Jesus, what do you like best about my personality?
- If you could tell me anything, what would you tell me?
- What emotion is in your heart when you think about me?
- Why am I the apple of your eye?
- What are you excited to set me free from?
- Tell me more about why you thought my life was worth the death of your son.
- What are three things you love about me?
- What is a new way I could worship you that you would be ecstatic about?
- If you were here on earth with me right now, what’s something fun you’d want to do together?
- Father, you removed my sins as far as the east is from the west – tell me about what went through your heart in that moment.
- Jesus, give me a piece of your joy today. What does it feel like to be joyful like you?
- Papa, what do you approve of in me?
- How do you want to give me your peace today?
- What’s one way I was created in your image?
- In a hard time, what is something you’d say to encourage me?
- Jesus, in this situation, I feel _______. What do you want to speak to my heart there?
- Are there any other questions you want me to ask you?