I would like to start off by saying thank you for taking the time to read my very first blog. This is just an introduction on where I am currently at in life!
For the past three years I have been a full time student at Midwestern State University (MSU) in Wichita Falls, Texas. I am working toward a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a major in marketing, and I will graduate in May. While attending college I have served as the secretary of the Chi Omega Fraternity and a member of Order of Omega National Leadership Honor Society. I have been a mentor for Big Brothers Big Sisters and have become an avid supporter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Alongside my involvement on campus and in the local community, I also work two jobs. I work at Prime Cut Steakhouse where I have been a waitress for five years, and I am the student assistant in the Office of Marketing and Public Information at Midwestern. I have also had the opportunity to attend two study abroad programs; one in London, England, and the other in Erfurt, Germany. The last three years have been full of personal and spiritual growth and now that my time here at MSU is coming to an end, I am able to fulfill my calling from Christ to do missions with Adventures in Missions participating in the World Race.
The World Race came to my attention a couple of years ago and my desire to participate has only grown stronger. The World Race is an 11-month Christian mission trip to 11 countries. I am excited to announce that starting in August, I am going to give my full attention to God by spreading his word to people in Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Lesotho, South Africa, Madagascar, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic. I will be placed into a group of 6 to 8 people and we will be partnering with different churches and ministries within each country each month. Each month will look a little different, as I could be ministering to women and children, constructing churches and schools, building relationships with orphans, and anything else the local ministries ask of me. I am very blessed by this opportunity, but it is a huge leap of faith and requires a lot of preparation, not only spiritually but also financially. One of my biggest struggles is knowing that I cannot do it alone. Fundraising is going to be a large part of this experience. For my trip I need to raise $18,017. This will provide for my food, travel, lodging, and all other travel expenses for 11 months. One thing I am asking of you is for you to pray for me in this journey. I believe in the power of prayer.
Thank you so much for supporting me through prayer and if you choose to, through your financial contributions. I am excited to see everything God will do for, to, and through me!
God Bless,
Alexandria Klimkoski