It has been a few months since Egypt, when God opened up the door for me to move to Nashville, TN. Since then, I have applied to multiple jobs and the doors are overwhelmingly being slammed in my face. Even Ireland, an opportunity to go back out on the field and do short term missions is not even an option in the near future as I thought it was. Then someone suggests, maybe this door to Nashville isn’t a complete one. The doubt begins to rise, and the questions start to race through my mind like the speed of light. When the doubt comes, the fear floods in and I begin to doubt the promise of a “New beginning” that God has been speaking over and over again for a year now.
“Why are you afraid?
Do you still have no faith”?
These were the questions that Jesus asked the disciples when they were crossing from one side of the sea to the other. A storm was raging all around them, the boat started to break and flood with water. Meanwhile, Jesus was in the boat sleeping peacefully and the storm didn’t phase him one bit haha. Why? Because he knew that when God promises something He fulfills it. Jesus knew, that He wasn’t about to die on that boat because the promise hadn’t been fulfilled yet and He knew his purpose was to get to the other side. The disciples however, were afraid and began questioning Jesus, “Teacher, don’t you care that were going to drown?.”
How many of you ever feel like the disciples? You’re over here freaking out and Jesus isn’t answering you because he is over there sound asleep? Really Jesus? Lol.
[Insert mental image of me shaking Jesus, trying to get him to wake up and see that we have a problem here and I need his help.]
How many times has God proved to be faithful and provide for you?
How many miracles and promises has God already performed in your life?
Yet…When we see a storm around us, we forget that JESUS is in the very same boat as us just sleeping away with no worries or cares because He knows… Everything is gonna be just fine.
A theme that God is speaking to me recently is
“Let heaven be your highest goal and your only focus.”
As I have been reading in the book of Mark, it is filled with stories of people “having faith” and seeing Jesus come through every time.
Lets take a look at Mark 6:30-44
The disciples are exhausted after weeks of ministry [can I get an amen?]
Jesus says, Lets find a quiet place and rest.
Over 5,000 people from multiple towns catch wind that Jesus and his disciples are in the boat and heading towards shore, so the people rush to meet them there.
Jesus had compassion and saw the need of the people.
Disciples response, “send the people away so they can go eat”.
Jesus said…”You feed them”
Looking at the mass of people and their lack of money,
the disciples responded with doubt and said “with what?”
Jesus said “go and find out what you do have”
[insert whispering…You have Jesus]
They came back and said “here are five loaves, and two fish”.
[This is my favorite part, wait for it]
Jesus looked up to heaven, and blessed them.
God blessed them with food and then some.
There is a powerful principle that Jesus is demonstrating.
Are you looking at your lack?
Are you looking up to Heaven?
Who is your source?
It’s heaven!
It’s God!
Regardless of what it looks like in the natural.
Jesus is with you in the boat and He does care!
Mark 7: 15 says
“Its not what goes into your body that defiles you,
you are defiled by what comes from your heart”
What Jesus is talking about here, what you believe in your heart will either defile you or bring you life.
Looking at all the opportunities around me that are being closed brought doubt into my heart and made me question my ability to hear God.
In that moment, I was looking more at my lack, then at my source.
God calls us to take his words to heart, follow his commands and we will live.
Are we taking Gods words to heart?
Believing them with every fiber of our being?
Its not a matter of, can God do it?
Its a matter of our heart, believing that He is going to come through and already has done it without our seeing it.
It’s faith.
It’s trust in the unseen.
God is the author and finisher of our faith.
Which means…
He is the only source that we should run to
and depend on.
So my challenge to you…
Focus on Heaven, not on Earth.
Focus on abiding in His love.
You don’t have to know ALL the answers for your life,
you just need to believe in the source that gives you strength when you are weak
and marks out a straight path for your feet to stay on the safe path for you to follow.
Father, I praise you and I worship your Holy name.
You are the king of all kings, the great I AM.
You have all the answers, and know the future unknown.
You are not chaos, you are calm and sure. You are peace, now and forever.
You are our source, a refuge in time of struggle. You are our father who loves us and takes care of our every need. You don’t leave us nor forsake us. You are in the same boat with us, and take us to the place we need to go with you. Father, help us to trust you with our whole heart, and believe truly in the promise that you are here and present with us in every moment of our lives. Help us God, to be like Jesus who sleeps peacefully in your promises and to be confident in our purpose that you have called us to. We love and celebrate you for who you are and your love for us, and thank you that you want to be in the details of our lives.
Amen-Let it be.